Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 17 vuoden ajan
Tietoja tuotteesta Questback
Tee parempia päätöksiä palautteen avulla
Intuitive interface, good project management and value added with Insights Lab.
Reports are sometimes difficult (comparisons and filters).
Suodata arvosteluja (44)
Suodata arvosteluja (44)
Good and flexible product
Hyvät puolet:
Advanced options, good integration options.
Huonot puolet:
Not very extensive documentation around IntegrationServices
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viime vuonna
Thank you for the review, Thomas! Would you be able to provide some more details about what information is missing in our documentation? By the way, most of our customers who desire automation have chosen to integrate through our "Dynamic Links". These links can be built in no time, either directly by yourself or with our assistance. Once ready, all you need to do is embed them under a Call-to-Action button in your CRM/tool or in a mailing sent by your CRM/tool, and the button/links lead to the survey and include all relevant CRM information to enhance your feedback data. Please reach out to your customer advisor at Questback for more information and to discuss if this method could be a valid alternative for you!
Questback - easy to use, great customer service
Kommentit: Really great tool - highly recommend it.
Hyvät puolet:
I mainly like the intuitive way the tool is structured. My users need very little support to start making their own surveys. In the cases where I needed to use the support, they have always been able to assist me, and this within very reasonable times.
Huonot puolet:
I have no complaints, I really like the tool.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
10 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your kind words, Dahn-Ola! Happy to hear that Questback is working well for you and your users. We are always here to assist when needed. Don't forget about our "Academy" located in the bottom left corner. We regularly update it with new videos and information that might be needed. Have a fantastic day!
Review from The Living History Forum (Government)
Kommentit: Overall, questback has worked well. We have received many evaluations which we can follow up.
Hyvät puolet:
We use questback to evaluate our trainings and forum meetings. It is easy for the participants to fill in and it is easy to follow the answers and get an overview of what the participants thought of the training.
Huonot puolet:
I'm a new user to questback so I haven't learned much yet. I have had some difficulties when I have wanted to extract a report for a specific day but then I have received good help from your support.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
2 vuotta sitten
Thanks for the review! =) Glad to hear that you received good help from our support!
TOMRA Feedback
Kommentit: Great experience and value for money, and we would use the product again
Hyvät puolet:
Customized platform with a very engaging support team. The team were always contactable
Huonot puolet:
We had issues with some languages and testing
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
4 kuukautta sitten
Hi Selene, Thank you for your review and for sharing your experience! It’s great to know you switched from Gallup Access and chose Questback for your pulse surveys. We look forward to supporting your future feedback needs!
Some kind of "multitool" for many different types of surveys
Kommentit: I like Questback, and I definitely recommend it
Hyvät puolet:
Questback is user-friendly, educational, and provides an opportunity to gain a good overview in the tool. There are endless possibilities to use ready-made questions such as NPS, eNPS, etc., but also to create your own questions. Of course, you can also customize your survey to match the company's colors, with logos, fonts, etc. Another very positive aspect is the management of "anonymous identity," which many recipients appreciate and which is handled well in Questback
Huonot puolet:
I wish there was a chat support in the tool, even though the support responds quickly then you send them email.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
4 kuukautta sitten
Hi Mikaela, Thank you for your review! We appreciate your feedback regarding the lack of chat support in the tool. We will evaluate the possibilities of improving this by discussing it during our next product development meeting. Your recommendations are truly appreciated.
Questback a friend indeed
Kommentit: A uesfull toll that give us information/feedback overtime and also at the moment so we can act instantly and plan for changes in the long run
Hyvät puolet:
The service I receive from the Company, Highly skilled employees
Huonot puolet:
You need to spend time understanding the tool, not always self-explanatory
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
11 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your feedback Thomas! We're glad you like our service. If the tool is only used to distribute and publish a survey, as well as view a generated live report, then it is a super simple tool. The more complex the structures and setups you want, the more time you will need to spend on the platform. Therefore, I thought I'd tip you off about Questback Academy. Have you discovered our "Academy" tab in the bottom left corner when you are logged into Questback? There, you'll find a bunch of videos explaining the different functions and tabs. Many find it to be the quickest way to get any issues resolved. Best of luck!
Excellent Customer Support
Hyvät puolet:
Adjustable and flexible systems for various surveys. Can be adjusted exactly to our needs.
Huonot puolet:
System contains many features and possibilities. Makes it a bit complicated for a user who is not working in the system on a daily basis. Luckily, the Customer Support is excellent.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
10 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your feedback, Inge! We often say that Questback is a bit like Lego. It's highly customizable, whether it involves employee surveys, customer surveys, or marketing surveys. To achieve this versatility, the tool needs to have many features. A tip is to request a full walkthrough/training on the tool and record the meeting so that you can always go back and watch the parts you need. Write down the parts you wish for us to cover during the meeting, send it to your contact person, schedule a time for the meeting, and then voila =)
Easy to use and great support
Hyvät puolet:
The customer service is quick and very good. They are available all the time and always helpful and service minded. Questback is simple but still has all the functions you need to carry out surveys. The reports have many functions and designs. In combination with the Insight Lab Questback has become a very competitive supplier.
Huonot puolet:
I find that creating reports can be a bit difficult both when it comes to filters and design, but then again I always get great help from the support team.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
11 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your positive feedback! We are dedicated to ensuring that we are always reachable by phone and can offer prompt support. We appreciate your feedback on report creation. Our team is constantly working to improve the UX. The challenge lies in making the complex easy, a goal we consistently aim to achieve.
Questback feedback
Hyvät puolet:
Easy to use, can create rather complex surveys, good customer support
Huonot puolet:
Takes time to correct bugs in the system
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
viime vuonna
Thank you for your valuable feedback Agnete! We are continually working to improve our response time and processes for bug fixes. Hopefully, everything you needed to be fixed is fixed. If not, please get in touch, and we can see if there is anything we can escalate from our side.
Essential tool to capture user satisfaction
Hyvät puolet:
Professional tool that helps to design, plan and develop the questionnaire and running the survey. Incl. afterwork with reports and analysis. All needed functionality in place.
Huonot puolet:
Not applicable. There was nothing I didn't like...
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
4 kuukautta sitten
Hi Stein, Thank you for your wonderful review! We’re pleased to hear that you find Questback to be a professional and comprehensive tool for designing and conducting surveys, along with the reporting and analysis features. If you have any additional feedback or suggestions for how we can further improve, feel free to reach out!
professionelle Mitarbeitenden und Kundenbefragungen
Unsere Zufriedenheitsumfragen bei Mitarbeitenden und Kunden können mit Questback schnell erstellt und ausgewertet werden.
Alle Umfragen und einzelne Fragen können problemlos kopiert und wiederverwendet werden.
Hyvät puolet:
Die Benutzerführung ist sehr übersichtlich. Ich kann Layout der Umfrage wie auch des Einladungs-E-Mails selber gestalten und so auch Logo und Farben meiner Organisation verwenden. Die Umfrage selber bietet zahleiche Fragetypen mit diversen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten an. Anzeigebedingungen sind sehr einfach zu erstellen. Die Auswertung lässt keine Wünsche offen. Ob Tabelle oder Grafik, alles lässt sich detailliert einstellen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich anschliessend in den gängigsten Formaten exportieren und nach Wunsch weiterbearbeiten. Toll ist auch die Möglichkeit eines Vergleichs mehrerer Umfragen.
Huonot puolet:
Leider sind noch nicht alle Hilfeseiten und Tipps in Deutsch verfügbar. Das ist aber kein Problem mit den heute verfügbaren Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten. Teilweise bleiben E-Mails mit dem Absender [email protected] (Einladungen) im Spam-Filter der Organisation hängen.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
4 kuukautta sitten
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Es freut uns zu hören, dass Questback für Sie einfach zu bedienen ist und Sie alle Berichtsoptionen finden, die Sie benötigen. Während des Sommers haben wir an der deutschen Übersetzung der Academy gearbeitet. Wir befinden uns jetzt in der Launch-Phase dieser Übersetzungen. Die deutsche Acadmey wird dann den gleichen Umfang wie die englische haben. Haben Sie schon darüber nachgedacht, Einladungen von Ihrer eigenen E-Mail-Domäne aus zu versenden, indem Sie SPF + DKIM einrichten? Wenden Sie sich gerne an Ihren Kundenbetreuer, damit er Ihnen mehr über diese Möglichkeit erzählen kann.
Eigenaar/Algemeen Directeur
Kommentit: Zie uitgebreide uitleg hierboven. Negatief
Hyvät puolet:
Bij het begin van de samenwerking is men proactief, en krijgt de klant aandacht.
Huonot puolet:
Na een jaar geen gebruik te hebben gemaakt van de software van Questback ontving ik tot mijn verrassing een nieuwe factuur voor het komende jaar, ruim een maand voordat de nieuwe termijn zou ingaan. Omdat ik de software al een jaar niet actief had gebruikt, heb ik direct verzocht om de samenwerking (tijdelijk) stop te zetten. Helaas werd dit verzoek resoluut afgewezen met de mededeling dat opzegging slechts mogelijk is met een opzegtermijn van 90 dagen. Zelfs na overleg met een manager bleef Questback bij haar standpunt dat de volledige kosten voor het komende jaar in rekening zouden worden gebracht. Het voelt uiterst klantonvriendelijk dat een bedrijf op deze manier handelt: een jaar geen contact, geen opvolging of ondersteuning, maar wel een factuur sturen en vervolgens weigeren mee te denken over een oplossing omdat er zogenaamd "te laat" is opgezegd. Dit soort beleid, waarbij klanten vastzitten aan een contract zonder enige flexibiliteit of service, komt in mijn ogen neer op pure winstbejag zonder oog voor klanttevredenheid. Het is schandalig hoe Questback omgaat met haar klanten, vooral gezien het feit dat er helemaal geen gebruik van de software is gemaakt. Ik raad bedrijven aan om goed na te denken voordat ze met Questback in zee gaan en om eventuele contractvoorwaarden grondig door te nemen, vooral met betrekking tot opzegging. Voor mij is deze ervaring reden genoeg om na afloop van deze termijn definitief afscheid te nemen van Questback.
Fijne ervaring!
Kommentit: Positieve ervaring. Doet wat het moet doen!
Hyvät puolet:
Questback is makkelijk in gebruik en laagdrempelig opgesteld. Ook uitgebreide enquetes met routing zijn eenvoudig op te stellen.
Huonot puolet:
Geen minpunten voor Questback op het moment.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
8 tuntia sitten
Hi Ischa, Thank you for your review!
Ervaring met Questback
Kommentit: Goede ondersteuning, indien nodig. Continue verbeteringen zijn zichtbaar.
Hyvät puolet:
Er zit een logische opbouw in met veel functionaliteiten.
Huonot puolet:
Kleine beperkingen in vormgeving, zoals het niet aanpasbaar lettertype in de vraagstellingen.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
viime vuonna
Thank you for your feedback! We have 11 different fonts that you can use at the moment. We are evaluating the possibility of expanding the list with more fonts. If there is any specific font you have in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will internally evaluate it.
Un logiciel simple d'utilisation et très puissant
Kommentit: J'utilise QuestBack depuis de nombreuses années pour la collecte de feedback dans de très nombreux domaines : collaborateurs, clients, études de marché. J'apprécie la très grande fiabilité de cette plateforme qui évolue très régulièrement avec l'apport de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
Hyvät puolet:
Le fait de pouvoir intégrer très simplement dans les enquêtes des données externes qui permettent de personnaliser les feedbacks clients et qui facilitent l'analyse des résultats.
Huonot puolet:
Le logiciel ne permet pas de faire de la programmation spécifique en dehors des fonctionnalités déjà existantes.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
11 kuukautta sitten
Merci beaucoup pour votre retour, Valérie ! Nous apprécions cela. Actuellement, la seule personnalisation que nous autorisons au-delà de nos fonctionnalités existantes se fait par CSS. Étant donné que vous êtes une utilisatrice active de Questback, si vous n'avez pas encore eu l'occasion de consulter Questback IQ, je vous recommande vivement de le faire. Nous y présentons une analyse haut/bas nouvellement lancée, qui est particulièrement utile pour faciliter l'analyse de sondages étendus.
Hyvät puolet:
klantvriendelijke tool om enquêtes uit te sturen en topt team dat steeds paraat staat om te helpen.
Huonot puolet:
geen echte nadelen dat ik kan beschrijven
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
10 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your feedback, Guerric! Happy to hear that Questback has worked well for you!
Super handig om klanttevredenheid te meten
Kommentit: Goed de klantenservice is ook goed en denken met je mee.
Hyvät puolet:
Veel mogelijkheden, eenvoudig, laag geprijsd in vergelijk met veel andere leveranciers, mooie rapportages welke eenvoudig te draaien en aan te passen zijn.
Huonot puolet:
Voor onze toepassing hebben wij geen minpunten.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
12 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your positive words, Jelle! It's great to hear that you've found value in our live reports and finds our tool useful for measuring CX. Fun fact: Did you know that by sending out a survey containing five questions and having only three background parameters about the customer, you can theoretically generate hundreds, if not thousands, of combinations to analyze in Questback? =)
Easy to set up and very logical and easy to use and make changes
Kommentit: Very satisfied and we dont want to change
Hyvät puolet:
Good support, good setup and always works
Huonot puolet:
We were thinking that the designed felt a little bit old
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
viime vuonna
Thank you very much for your review and feedback, Magnus! I have great news for you - We are heavily investing in our UI and UX right now, so hopefully, you'll notice a significant difference when you log into the platform before the year ends. The challenge has been that Questback is such a comprehensive tool with so much functionality built over 20 years that a design change doesn't happen overnight. But good things come to those who wait =)
Onderwijs Kwaliteit
Kommentit: Positief
Hyvät puolet:
Genereren van zowel vragenlijsten als rapportages
Huonot puolet:
Rapportage opties onvoldoende in beeld
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
12 kuukautta sitten
Thank you, Arie, for your feedback! It's unfortunate to hear that you feel the reporting options are not sufficiently visible. We often say that Questback makes the complex easy. However, given the tool's extreme scalability and suitability for both small and large organizations, it can sometimes be perceived as you've described. Have you been in touch with your Customer Success Manager or our support team regarding this matter? We're here to assist you, so please don't hesitate to reach out so we can give you a better understanding of the setup and the reporting logic.
Services survey
Hyvät puolet:
customer support, good recommendation, good analysis of customer needs, proved experience
Huonot puolet:
Design of quests more accessible, report charts more visual and attractive
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
11 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for the great feedback! When it comes to designing quests and other aspects, our system allows for extensive customization. You can make extra advanced design changes using the CSS box. If you're unsure how to use CSS, you can always contact us, and we will show you how to use our guide for this purpose. We might even have something ready-to-use for you =)
Bevragingen voor scholen
Hyvät puolet:
Alles staat op 1 plaats. Alles is steeds online beschikbaar en rapporten kunnen online gedeeld worden en je kan kiezen welke vragen er al dan niet mogen in opgenomen worden.
Huonot puolet:
Geen nadelen ondervonden op dit moment.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
4 kuukautta sitten
Marie-Claire: Hi Marie-Claire, Thank you for your positive review! We’re glad to hear Questback meets your needs for school surveys and that the online accessibility and customization options work well for you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Questback essentials as a survey tool
Kommentit: Very happy. Used for many years now, and the system has never crashed, never failed, and I've yet to see an alternative product which can provide the same quality output
Hyvät puolet:
Really easy to manipulate raw data, and also to produce high impact visual reporting of headline numbers and trends.Individualised reports for subsections of a survey are invaluable, and it's worth taking the time to learn how to create exactly what you need
Huonot puolet:
Designing specific reports can be a little tricky, particularly in the post GDPR world where survey data must be withheld if consent is not obtained for sharing! That said, once I learned the system, the reports are absolutely accurate and invaluable for our users
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
viime vuonna
Thank you for your feedback, Jimmy! Questback is highly committed to having a tool that is reliable and fully operational 24/7. Our customers are the ones who use our tool the most, and it evolves thanks to their wishes. If you have suggestions for improvements in the future that can make things easier, don't hesitate to reach out, and we'll make sure to evaluate it.
Kommentit: Very positive! The positive approach the Questback people have make working with them a pure joy!
Hyvät puolet:
Support from Questback and easy to use.
Huonot puolet:
Nothing. I find Questback easy to work Withings.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
11 kuukautta sitten
Thank you very much for your feedback, Erik. Glad that you find our tool easy to use and that you've had such a good experience with our support =)
Questback review
Hyvät puolet:
Ease of use and the ability to customize everything. Also integrate it with Power BI for a live statistic option.
Huonot puolet:
Nothing we can think of at this moment.
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
12 kuukautta sitten
Thank you for your feedback, Jon! It's great to hear that you haven't found any cons. At the same time, we grow through feedback. Should you think of anything that could make your work easier, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Interface and development
Kommentit: Very good. Nowadays, I like that they focus on development.
Hyvät puolet:
I like the interface total and th possibility to costumize. Easy to build the quests.
Huonot puolet:
Reports are sometimes difficult (comparisons and filters).
Myyjän QuestBack vastaus
viime vuonna
Thank you for your feedback, Nina! We aim to make the complex easy. Given the system's vast range, there's sometimes a risk it might feel more complicated than necessary. You can always schedule a session with your customer success manager for a walkthrough of the logic, how does that sound? For quicker support, don't hesitate to call our support line.