Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 17 vuoden ajan

Mikä on monday dev?

monday.com on avoin alusta, joka voi auttaa ohjelmistotiimejä suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan lyhyitä työjaksoja tehokkaammin. monday.com Work OS -järjestelmän tehokkaat tuottavuutta lisäävät ominaisuudet – kuten ajanseuranta, automaattiset ilmoitukset, riippuvuussuhteet, Gantt-näkymät ja kolmannen osapuolen sovellukset – mukautuvat ainutlaatuisiinkin työnkulkuihin Lisäksi se integroituu jo käyttämääsi ohjelmistoon. Sen intuitiivisuuden ansiosta käyttö onnistuu helposti muiltakin kuin ohjelmoijilta.

Kuka käyttää tuotetta monday dev?

Ei toimittajan tarjoama

Missä monday dev voidaan ottaa käyttöön?


Tietoja myyjästä

  • monday.com
  • Paikkakunta: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Perustettu vuonna 2014

monday dev: tuki

  • 24/7 (asiakaspalvelija)
  • Chat

Saatavilla olevat maat

Alankomaat, Arabiemiirikunnat, Australia, Belgia, Brasilia ja 31 muuta


brasilianportugali, englanti, espanja, euroopanportugali, hollanti ja 9 muuta

monday dev: hinnat


10,00 $/kuukausi
  • Kyllä, tästä on maksuton kokeiluversio
  • Kyllä, tästä on maksuton versio

monday dev tarjoaa ilmaisen version ja tarjoaa ilmaisen kokeilun. monday dev maksullinen versio alkaen 10,00 $/kuukausi.

Hintasuunnitelmat hanki ilmainen kokeiluversio

Tietoja myyjästä

  • monday.com
  • Paikkakunta: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Perustettu vuonna 2014

monday dev: tuki

  • 24/7 (asiakaspalvelija)
  • Chat

Saatavilla olevat maat

Alankomaat, Arabiemiirikunnat, Australia, Belgia, Brasilia ja 31 muuta


brasilianportugali, englanti, espanja, euroopanportugali, hollanti ja 9 muuta

monday dev: videot ja kuvat

monday dev -ohjelmisto – 1
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 2
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 3
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 4
Näytä 5 muuta
monday dev video
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 1
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 2
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 3
monday dev -ohjelmisto – 4

Tuotteen monday dev ominaisuudet

  • Asiakirjojen hallinta
  • Edellytysten hallinta
  • Elinkaaren hallinta
  • Etenemisen seuranta
  • Gantt-/aikajananäkymä
  • Ideation
  • Ideoiden hallinta
  • Julkistusten suunnittelu
  • KPI-seuranta
  • Kalenterien hallinta
  • Määräaikojen hallinta
  • Ongelmanhallinta
  • Ongelmien seuranta
  • Palautteen hallinta
  • Palvelupyyntöjen hallinta
  • Priorisointi
  • Projektien seuranta
  • Projektien suunnittelu
  • Projektinhallinta
  • Real-Time Notifications
  • Resurssien hallinta
  • Roadmapping
  • Sprinttien suunnittelu
  • Tehtävien etenemisen seuranta
  • Tehtävien hallinta
  • Tilan seuranta
  • Tilauskannan hallinta
  • Työajan ja kulujen seuranta
  • Työnkulkujen hallinta
  • Vierailijoiden käyttöoikeudet
  • Visualisointi
  • Välitavoitteiden seuranta
  • Yhteistyövälineet

monday dev: Vaihtoehdot

Ykkösvalinta verkkopohjaiseksi yhteistyövalkotaulualustaksi ketterille tiimeille
Visuaalinen yhteistyöväline, joka tarjoaa tiimillesi jaetun näkymän mihin tahansa projektiin hauskalla, joustavalla ja palkitsevalla tavalla.
Asana on helpoin tapa organisoida ja hallita tiimien työtä tilanteeseen soveltuvassa mittakaavassa. Katso, miksi Asana on Capterrassa kärkipäässä.
monday.com on avoin alusta, jolla voit luoda täydellisen scrum-kehyksen tiimillesi. Lue lisää tuotteesta monday.com
Bitrix24 on suosittu ilmainen scrum- ja projektinhallinta-alusta, jota käyttää yli kahdeksan miljoonaa yritystä ympäri maailman. Pilviversio/mobiiliversio/avoimen lähdekoodin versio.
Smartsheet on verkossa toimiva työn toteutusalusta, jonka avulla kaikenkokoiset organisaatiot voivat suunnitella, hallita ja automatisoida työtä sekä raportoida siitä.

Arvostelut tuotteelle monday dev

Keskimääräinen pisteytys

Vastinetta rahalle

Arvostelut yrityksen koon mukaan (työntekijät)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Etsi arvosteluja arvosanan mukaan

System Administrator, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

All team members know what to do each week

4,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Apply the status property to automate tasks like as responding to job applications, sending files to an email address, monitoring progress on a project, and notifying relevant parties. Monday.com now has slack integrations, so when an incident is created in a product, our members are alerted in the appropriate slack channel as well as on Monday.com.

Hyvät puolet:

Super easy to set up, and you can keep things basic if you like, or get creative with your tracking. In this way, I know that my team and I are covering all the bases. Our company's record-keeping and responsibility are both enhanced by the software. The responses to inquiries and requests from the support service are prompt, and the help videos are excellent.

Huonot puolet:

Perhaps this is the cost that new businesses must pay. When you realize the potential of Monday.com and Notion. For a new business, it might be challenging to afford both Notion and monday.com. It may be really convenient to receive a discount for utilizing both applications.

Sr Embedded Software Engineer, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Might be better if it was called "Friday"

4,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monday.com was pretty good at what they advertise on their basic features, but as you continued to use the software more and more it became obvious that the advanced workflows and requirements are bit underdeveloped. I'll continue to use Monday and continue to push for new features - I know they are trying and growing and constantly evolving, but I'd like to see Monday.com start to enrich the existing value-add tiers that Im already bought into.

Hyvät puolet:

I love the ease of use for most of their features. They are pretty fantastic with their Ui and Ux (Cx) and they make "Mondays" somewhat enjoyable because the Monday.com experience gives you something to look forward to (if you like organizing your work/life into neat categories, buckets, and reports).

Huonot puolet:

Everyone has the case of the Mondays on Monday while using Monday. Joking aside, this software is pretty great on the surface. It makes a lot of sense for what they are trying to accomplish and they do a great job. They have Ux down. However, I've really struggled with Monday.com in trying to 'grow' beyond their molds and default workflows. They have a lot of enhanced features (plugins, webhooks, triggers, etc) that certainly make integration easier, but as I got further into the weeds with Monday.com their Ux and understanding of advanced needs became more shallow IMO. To link tasks into higher order buckets (think sub tasks -> tasks/stories -> Epics -> Projects) the entire thing kinda works... kinda doesn't. Understand what they are up against tho - they are struggling to build a tool that meets everyone's needs - I get that - and for me, it didn't always measure up in the ways that make it work for my needs. The base/entry paywall package was already kinda more expensive then other free software (or software being offered by my org) but as I kept wanting to do more and more advanced features I found myself having to pay more and more. It became cost prohibitive for me to continue to try to make Monday.com work.

WebMaster, Costa Rica
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Ilmainen kokeiluversio
Arvostelijan lähde

If you want to organize better ALL, everything you do, this is your tool

3,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: It is vital for our small team of designers and advertisers to have everything organized, from the basic ideas of a campaign, to the arts and their design pieces. That is why we use Monday, because it has made life easier for us to organize everything, with a customization flexibility that allows us to sort everything by colors, views and schemes such as the Gant chart, which improves response times with customers and optimizes company resources.

Hyvät puolet:

Its ease of use, the flexibility to change practically everything, colors, views, etc. is simply addictive and thus improves the working times of your entire team.

Huonot puolet:

To take advantage of this tool 100% you must pay, the free version is very limited and this forces you to have to pay a little, but it is very cheap!

Myyjän monday.com vastaus

3 vuotta sitten

Hi Juan! Thanks for taking the time to leave your review and for trying monday.com! We'll circle back with the team regarding your feedback!

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tiedotuspalvelut, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Monday.com - Highly recommended!

5,0 4 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Our overall experience with Monday.com has been pretty great! We have been using it for everything including tracking development team projects, software licenses, HR, Admin, managing system applications. Overall its a fantastic tool for collaboration.

Hyvät puolet:

The thing that I like the most about Monday.com is the ease of use and automations. We don't need to provide users with extensive tutorials, just a small demo and they understand Monday.com pretty well. Coming onto automations, they can take some time to setup, but once done, they are well worth it and saves a ton of your time.

Huonot puolet:

Software integrations - Monday.com still needs to catchup with respect to software integrations. They are still a lot of integrations that are missing. Plus every integration needs to be approved by an admin and there's no way to turn this off.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Trello

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen monday dev: Trello is pretty limited when it comes to project management and collaboration. Based on our testing Monday.com was also easier to use and has way too many features compared to Trello.

UX Director, USA
Suunnittelu, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

A popular project management app that does not tick the right boxes for our team

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: My overall experience with Monday was not optimal. The board was setup by a user familiar with Monday, minimal coaching was provided and team members were left to sort out how to use the app by themselves. HOWEVER, with a properly designed, intuitively laid out interface that would of been a breeze. Instead, we were met with some items working very intuitively - click a status and other options popup for selection.. while others were less so - if you're not used to their date picker, clicking out of it, to close it, might result in clicking the delete button for that date, which only shows when you hover over it, like right after clicking outside of the date picker.
There is a Kanban board style view, but you cannot change the status, or lanes, that the cards are in.. a huge issue when trying to run a Kanban board.

Hyvät puolet:

Overall the interface is well designed; nice colors, fonts, spacing, etc. The tooltips on icon menu items is useful as is the ability to collapse the sidebar navigation.

Huonot puolet:

You have to upgrade your plan to even use the Timeline view feature, which is a basic feature for competitive apps. Our teams prefer to use the Kanban/Agile style of workflow, moving defined tasks of work through stages of production.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Trello

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen monday dev: I didn't, we ended up using Monday only because a large client is married to it. Our preferred project management tool is still Trello.

Marketing specialist, Tanska
Terveys, hyvinvointi ja kuntoilu, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Best way to collaborate with team and track project status

5,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monday.com is a beautifully designed application which is very user friendly and works very well on mobile too.
We are using Monday to keep a track of different projects, Cost and budget tracking and also to see which employee is overloaded with tasks and how can we work much more effectively and efficiently.

Hyvät puolet:

Beautiful dashboard One create personal dashboard and can lock it. Drag and drop function Amazing UX on mobile

Huonot puolet:

It is not good to use Monday for complex projects like website migration where more external parties are involved.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Trello

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen monday dev: Project management Coat and budget tracking Time tracking Best mobile app Simple and user friendly

engineer, USA
Rakentaminen, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Beginnings with monday.com

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: some tools could not be tested, as license and time is required for these tools or applications

Hyvät puolet:

I wanted to try monday, to start a project, to manufacture homemade stuffed animals, to know how long each person takes to make said stuffed animal, the workers found it intuitive.

Huonot puolet:

In general it is quite simple, the project tracking guide was really interesting, if you want to apply tracking to your project

Research and Devlopment Engineer, Australia
Televiestintä, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Monday Dev: A Powerful Platform for Agile Development

5,0 5 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Monday Dev is a game-changer for development teams. Its robust features and unparalleled customization options have dramatically increased our efficiency

Hyvät puolet:

Flexibility, intuitive interface, powerful features and automation capabilities.

Huonot puolet:

Steeper learning curve for more complex customizations. While the core functionalities are user-friendly, delving into advanced features and automations can require additional time and effort to master.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tekstiilit, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

monday.com for order management in apparel manufacturing company

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: great but we have quit eventually to cover all field technicians on the same application

Hyvät puolet:

customizable + friendly, efficient and prompt support + automatic rules to update different sheets + dashboard

Huonot puolet:

no Turkish version, it is the main difficulty for implementation. There is a Gannt chart option, but it does not adapt to changing data set durations, which is not practical.

Senior Software Engineer, Nepal
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

An outstanding approach to project management; Monday.com

4,0 4 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monday.com was the absolute choice for our office. We are able to manage project tasks including scheduling, employee retention, on-boardings and so on. Overall, Monday.com has enhanced our office productivity by engaging the team members at work, tracking down the entire progress. And with reporting and visualization tools including Timeline view, Gantt charts and graphs, we are able to keep track of everything we need at work. Well, we had a positive experience with the application, and we are satisfied with its overall performance.

Hyvät puolet:

Monday.com is great for project management. The application is pretty straight-forward and has smooth navigation. The application contains the well suited Kanban- boards and provides streamlined overview of overall project, and is favourable when it comes to customization and editing. The pre-built project templates saves time when you're starting from scratch and its pretty much easier for the basic setup and implementation on your desk.

Huonot puolet:

The only cons, I find in the application is that- you need to upgrade to Pro to utilize the overall features. If you're thinking to start with Basic plan then there's limited features, even the Maps, Charts and Calendar are available in upgraded plans. If you're implementing Monday.com for small work-spaces then I would suggest you to go with Standard or Pro versions.

Accountant, Egypti
Kirjanpito, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

My career with an app monday.com

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: A unique and unique experience. I hope you will multiply the functions more within the application and that it will be developed over time

Hyvät puolet:

The multiplicity of administrative tools within the application, their precise organization, and their compatibility with the required tools is the best thing that exists within this application

Huonot puolet:

Mobile access speed is not very suitable all the time

Office and Specials Department Manager, Etelä-Afrikka
Koneistus, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Best for Managers

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Great experience overall. All teams stay on track on Mondays. It also generates charts based on the information entered.

Hyvät puolet:

Among the things I like best about the software are board variety, automation, and integrations. The idea portal shows you what's coming next, and they constantly improve and add new features. There are many resources to help you learn the features - if you want to become a power user. I have very few complaints about the software.

Huonot puolet:

There is not much I can point out. However, in some cases, I have had difficulty understanding or implementing automation.

Client Solution Services Manager, Etelä-Afrikka
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Versatile workflow and management platform

4,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: 1. The monday.com is a modern platform which allowed us to develop and adopt workflows and applications matching our business operation.
2. Next-generation collaboration tool saving time by replacing isolated spreadsheets and email communications.

Hyvät puolet:

1. Services (SaaS) consumption model. 2. monday.com architecture and objects granularity as workspaces, boards, items, subitems and fields. 3. Workflow management using a variety of available automation. 4. Rich and evolving API interfaces. 5. Reporting and analytics views. 6. Out-of-the box mobile application.

Huonot puolet:

1. As a SaaS service the underlying Amazon AWS services can impact monday.com's performance and availability. 2. It is possible to create only "empty" new items and subitems using automation. 3. There is no option to create "new" items and subitems using a "template", which "template" for example contains comments or other content. 4. Predifiend automation options can be limiting when creating workflows. 5. Some API interfaces are not well documented and require a time-consuming "trial-and-error" approach. 6. Reporting and analytics views are created using a UI only and can be misleading as there is no way to edit the underlying code as a filter/group by details.

Learning & Development Business Partner, Ranska
Televiestintä, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Monday.com helps with more than meets the eye!

5,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: I'm an extremely organized person and I love putting tasks in list form. I also like being able to create Gantt charts that are visually pleasing and have a birds-eye view of what my team or other teams are doing. Monday.com is a great tool for sharing information or tasks with my colleagues and that helps to break up communication silos.

Hyvät puolet:

Monday.com is incredibly useful for strategic planning and project management. The tool allows you to keep track of a multitude of projects all at once and allow you to really develop a visual view on the projects going on in every team.

Huonot puolet:

Sometimes I wish there was more ability to link multiple boards or have more customization within the fields so that I can automate some updating. As a UI, it's okay but sometimes it's not so easy to know where to begin or which type of board you need to use so you need to spend some time diving into it.

.NET Software Engineer, Costa Rica
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

monday.com Review

5,0 3 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Project scheduling. Time and bug tracking on projects.

Hyvät puolet:

With monday.com, it is easy to plan, track and manage projects.

Huonot puolet:

I do not have any burning aspect on my end.

CEO, Kamerun
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Project management software

4,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monitoring each sprint with Monday is cool but the mobile app on iOS new some graphic improvement

Hyvät puolet:

You can easily have a good support during your scrum process

Huonot puolet:

Compare to Jira the user experience can be improve.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Ok product, probably better alternatives out there for an R&D team. Might feel better for other uses

4,0 5 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monday aims to appeal to everyone, including R&D. We found their product lacking in that aspect, with a lot of features locked behind upsell walls, and others straight-out missing (subtasks, burndown chart and just two that come to mind). Maybe it would be more appealing to other industries, but for an R&D group I'd consider other alternatives first (Asana, ClickUp, JIRA etc.)

Hyvät puolet:

It's very easy to onboard and use, unlike the giants that are JIRA or VSO, Monday is very easy to learn as well as customize to your needs. Their Timeline feature is the best thing they did. I hope they bring it more front & center. We base most of our workflow around it.

Huonot puolet:

They lack basic features that other products had for ages - subtasks for example. Their pricing is not very competitive, and doesn't make a lot of sense - it comes in brackets/buckets - so whether you have 26 or 50 users, you pay the same price. And even then, the price per seat is high. In addition, they have a lot of small bugs that come from time to time in the UI, which makes it annoying to use. Their support wasn't a lot of help either when we talked to our of their customer success people.

Director Of Digital Media, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Fantastic Project Management Software for Agile Environments

5,0 6 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: It's exactly right for what it's intended to do - assist with agile project management. If you're considering Monday.com for your team, be sure to look at how much communication is necessary to complete tasks and whether or not any of your other systems can handle/organize that communication if Monday can't.

Hyvät puolet:

Monday.com is 100% plug and play and intuitive from the start. Task breakdowns are simple, structure is easily understandable and for the most part, customization is a breeze - be as granular as you'd like. The setup works incredibly well for agile projects and will be a big hit with list makers.

Huonot puolet:

It's somewhat difficult to manage creative projects or projects that have creative pieces in Monday. While there is room for comments, threading is difficult and collaboration is tricky. It can also be tough to see which project pieces are dependent on other tasks quickly.

Administrator, USA
Rahoituspalvelut, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Excellent Project Management Software

5,0 4 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: We run weekly operational sprints with Monday.com and manage all of our projects with the platform. We also do most of our operational reporting through Monday.com. We love the platform for its flexibility and the modernity of the tech stack upon which it is built.

Hyvät puolet:

The software is feature-rich and easy to use. It's very flexible so it can meet almost any need you have from creating workflows, tracking tasks, managing contacts, or managing a complex project. It has a robust, easy-to-understand interface, excellent reporting capabilities, and flexible admin controls. Their mobile app is easy to use.

Huonot puolet:

The only thing I don't like about the software is having to wait for all the up and coming features to be released. It supports sub-items for each task, but some of the more robust support for subitems are still being developed.

VP, Director of Finance, USA
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Monday.com and its excellent business project management

5,0 5 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: This is a unique business project management platform of its kind. The proposal that Monday.com has to offer is more customizable and interactive than the rest of the platforms in its class. It is excellent that it allows to apply kanban method, and to do KPI monitoring. This service is perfect for tracking trends, and workflows. Our organization feels in total satisfaction with Monday.com, because the services they have offered have fulfilled our expectations. It is a good investment. We liked this service for many reasons. One of them has been his speed at the time of personalization, because it has saved us a lot of time of work.

Hyvät puolet:

Monday.com is integrated into a wide variety of services. Among these are the dropbox, excel, G suite, slack and Trello platforms. There are an infinity of templates for projects, and all are completely customizable and adaptable to our work needs. With this software it is quite convenient to monitor the working time of each member. We dare to recommend Monday.com as a versatile, economical and very convenient to use service. Maybe it's the first project management platform so customizable. It is ideal for conducting surveys, and for subsequent monitoring. There is also an excellent and customizable group chat available.

Huonot puolet:

You can not manage any project retrospectively, and for unified communication it does not have an audio and video conference system, nor does it allow for routing of calls. Calls can not be recorded either, and fax can not be managed. Another lack of service is that it does not offer the possibility of doing email marketing referring to our project.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Tasks and backlog management

5,0 4 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: We use it for version backlog management, customer support and go to market activity

Hyvät puolet:

We call it Excel on steroids. Easy to create tables with great formatting options and great visualization.

Huonot puolet:

Relationship between different tables which make it in some cases to track tasks from different teams on a central page

Co-Founder/Senior Lead Developer, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Great for an agile development team!

5,0 6 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: We used one of the agile templates developed by the folks at monday.com and customized it even further so that it would fit our team's needs. It has worked great and everyone enjoys using it. The only issue we have with it is the pricing. It can get pretty expensive as you add more team members which can make it hard on startups or other small businesses with a low budget.

Hyvät puolet:

- Ease of use - Customization - Design - Endless use cases

Huonot puolet:

- Price - They release new features all of the time which can sometimes have a negative affect on other features or board responsiveness

Account Supervisor, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Suunnittelu, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Monday keeps my team on track!

4,0 6 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Monday.com is a project management software that actually works! It is easy to use, has a ton of features, from gantt charts to calendars to task management and it integrates really well into other programs, like excel!

Hyvät puolet:

Monday.com is really customizable and easy to use! I feel like the visuality of the whole software as it allows you to quickly find out what you need to know. I also love all of the integration options!

Huonot puolet:

Monday.com doesn't support dependencies on the timeline, which was something that I really wanted to input into our timelines for my team. I feel like it would push my team members to get something done if they knew another piece was waiting on them.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Verkko-oppiminen, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Easy to map out steps

5,0 6 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: I really enjoyed this tool as it solved my biggest problem of creating an easily trackable task chart that involved many people and many tasks. It's easy for team members to collaborate and also very brightly colored which is a nice change from other softwares :)

Hyvät puolet:

I used monday.com for a very long process in one of my work tasks that involved multiple people. I was very easily able to map out each step and each person could tick off when they had completed their job so we could constantly see the progress being made.

Huonot puolet:

In the end my colleagues found trello to suit our needs overall but I believe for certain tasks this is the perfect tool.

Product Manager, USA
Vaatetus ja muoti, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Great for Agile driven businesses

5,0 5 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: I would totally recommend it. It has helped us apply our Scrum knowledge to each project.

Hyvät puolet:

We have recently added Monday.com to our team and if you're an Agile type of business where you want to easily assign tasks and share ideas, information, then this is the right software for you. This software has helped us with taking accountability for each backlog task or project. It is a great way to know where your weaknesses are as a team, since it's visual, it's easier to for all of us to see the big picture.

Huonot puolet:

Sometimes the system freezes. I personally am very pleased with the software and hot it has helped out team to optimize our backlog. Before we used to do it by hand and sticky notes.

Myyjän monday.com vastaus

5 vuotta sitten

Hey Anilyn! Thanks for leaving a review. We are happy to hear that you're happy with the program and that it has helped your team stay accountable and maintain awareness of where projects are at. We are sorry that the system has frozen on you before -- we understand that is not ideal. You can check our upkeep here to see if we are experiencing any outages: https://status.monday.com.