Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 17 vuoden ajan
Mikä on BambooHR?
BambooHR on palkittu, kaikenkattava HR-alusta pk-yrityksille ja niiden työntekijöille – siis juuri sinulle. BambooHR:n avulla on helppo kerätä, analysoida ja raportoida henkilöstötietoja, kehittää osaajien löytämistä ja palkkaamista, huolehtia uusien työntekijöiden perehdytyksestä, hallita palkka-asioita ja kehittää yrityskulttuuria. Se on suunniteltu antamaan sinulle vapaus keskittyä kaikkein tärkeimpään – henkilöstön kehittämiseen, työntekijäkokemuksen parantamiseen ja organisaation eteenpäin viemiseen.
Kuka käyttää tuotetta BambooHR?
Se on tarkoitettu kasvaville yrityksille, jotka haluavat järjestää henkilöstötietonsa, seurata työpaikanhakijoita, perehdyttää uudet työntekijät tehokkaasti, hoitaa palkanlaskennan, parantaa työntekijäkokemusta ja tehdä raportteja yhden alustan kautta.
Mietitkö vielä, onko BambooHR hyvä valinta?
Vertaa suosittuun vaihtoehtoon
Arvostelut tuotteelle BambooHR
BambooHR Review
Kommentit: My overall experience with BambooHR is very positive.
Hyvät puolet:
The UI of BambooHR is very impressive and well organized. We are using it actively for managing HR operations.
Huonot puolet:
More features may be added to BambooHR for increasing the functionality.
Best in the game and most affordable for all the options.
Hyvät puolet:
Simple user platform that out performs the competition.
Huonot puolet:
Reporting could use some work in payroll.
Worst HRIS experience
Kommentit: The worst experience in an HRIS implementation. I have implemented workday, Ceridian Dayforce, UKG, Paycore, and Paycom.
Hyvät puolet:
None, they lie to you during the sales process.
Huonot puolet:
Not good for performance management, and they claim to be the best HRIS solution.
VP of Business & HR
Kommentit: BambooHR has been a great product for a quickly expanding.
Hyvät puolet:
Design, user-friendly, easy of use, easy to set up.
Huonot puolet:
Would like file signature to work differently. It would be great if forms were available to all employees to just fill out and then it would move through the pre-set approval process. Not require a form to be emailed by a management member to someone or themselves to fill out. Would also like training to be more robust and have more function. Especially would like to see training assignments as of a specific date entered rather than hire date. Would also like employees not to see future trainings until 30 days before the due date. Seeing annual training all year is confusing to them and they get desensitized to seeing that training and ignore it when it comes due again.
Solution for HR people data storage and multi-access level people management
Kommentit: LOVE the customer service. The reps are easy to work with, willing to troubleshoot and very helpful.
Hyvät puolet:
Houses all Employee HR info in one easy to locate place. It also has variable access levels to allow trainers, supervisors, managers and IT support all different access levels.
Huonot puolet:
We had to custom build a place to keep employee notes. It works well enough for us and is functional, but I am not sure why the software doesn't have that feature included. It is basically just a historical table with a few fields and a notes section. I hope that it doesn't keep getting too ala carte for every new improvement they make, sometimes it feels like companies are adding feature after feature to run up the price and make more money off of existing loyal customers.