Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 18 vuoden ajan

Mikä on Asana?

Asanan avulla voit organisoida tiimien välistä työtä tilanteeseen soveltuvassa mittakaavassa aina päivittäisistä tehtävistä useita eri toimintoja käsittäviin strategisiin hankkeisiin. Asana on ainoa työnhallinta-alusta, joka siirtää tavoitteet toiminnaksi ja auttaa pääsemään eroon tiimien välisistä siiloista. Yli 135 000 maksavaa asiakasta ja miljoonat ilmaisversiota käyttävät organisaatiot 190 maassa luottavat Asanaan. Sen avulla ne voivat hallita kaikkea yrityksen tavoitteista digitaaliseen muutokseen, tuotelanseerauksiin ja markkinointikampanjoihin.

Kuka käyttää tuotetta Asana?

Miksi yli 11 000 asiakasta on antanut Asanalle 4,5/5 tähteä? Asana on helpoin tapa hallita projekteja, prosesseja ja tehtäviä tiimeissä tilanteeseen soveltuvassa mittakaavassa. Asana auttaa tiimejä toimimaan tuottavammin ja tekemään parempaa työtä.

Asana -ohjelmisto – 1
Asana -ohjelmisto – 2
Asana -ohjelmisto – 3
Asana -ohjelmisto – 4
Asana -ohjelmisto – 5

Mietitkö vielä, onko Asana hyvä valinta? Vertaa suosittuun vaihtoehtoon



4,5 (13 320)
13,49 €
Ilmainen versio
Ilmainen kokeilu
4,4 (13 320)
4,4 (13 320)
4,3 (13 320)
Vastinetta rahalle
7,53 $
Ilmainen versio
Ilmainen kokeilu
4,1 (15 066)
4,3 (15 066)
4,2 (15 066)
Vihreät arvosanapalkit näyttävät parhaan tuotteen keskimääräisen arvosanan ja arvosteluiden määrän perusteella.

Muita hyviä vaihtoehtoja kuin Asana

Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
360 asteen palaute
Inventaarion seuranta
Tuotteen tunnistus
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Tehtävien hallinta
Useita projekteja
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Tehtävien hallinta
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Reaaliaikainen chat
Real-Time Notifications
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Mukautettavat kentät
Projektien seuranta
Projektien suunnittelu/aikataulutus

Arvostelut tuotteelle Asana

Keskimääräinen pisteytys

Vastinetta rahalle

Arvostelut yrityksen koon mukaan (työntekijät)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Etsi arvosteluja arvosanan mukaan

Enterprise Account Manager, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Best project management software!

5,0 3 viikkoa sitten Uusi

Kommentit: I have used Asana on both the agency side for managing client work and on a personal side of managing my own individual work. Asana keeps things simple, it's so easy to integrate with other tools, and visually is very appealing.

Hyvät puolet:

Very intuitive and easy to use project management software. Saves a ton of time for the user which is crucial.

Huonot puolet:

Nothing really, I think this is the best project management software out there currently.

Digital Marketing Manager, USA
Korkeakoulutus, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot:

Easy, effective, scalable

5,0 viime kuussa Uusi

Kommentit: We switched from another tool after having used Asana in the past. It integrates well, is easy to use, and easily guides our daily work.

Hyvät puolet:

Ease of setup, what exists out of the box made it much easier to implement than previous software we used, it's affordable, and everyone has learned to use it well.

Huonot puolet:

Some quirks of users owning automations (I wish they belonged to the project and could exist without the user), I wish there were rules/automations on portfolios.

Executive Recruiter, USA
Henkilöstöhallinto, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana is great, but there may be better options out there!

3,0 2 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: While I enjoyed Asana (hello happy unicorn when you mark off your to-do list), our team decided Notion better fit our needs.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana was able to support the organization for a variety of projects. It was user-friendly!

Huonot puolet:

Setting up Asana on the front end takes time. You have to decide what you want out of the product and then build it into their system. Once we got it set up, things moved smoothly from there, but it really was a bit heavy to begin.

Marketing Consultant, Kanada
Markkinointi ja mainonta, Itsetyöllistetyt
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Intuitive Planning Software - Great for Projects

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Running an online business requires a lot of different types of tasks from product creation to social media. I especially like to use Asana for complicated projects like creating an online course. This task benefits from project management because there are a lot of dependencies. For example, you can't launch the sales page until you finish the checkout page, etc.
However for daily to-dos I find something simpler (like pen and paper) is more useful.
I still haven't completely refined my workflow to optimize my use of software.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana is a very robust project management tool with a simple interface. It is not hard to get started and do the basics such as creating a project and adding tasks. The app is also very intuitive and you can get to your tasks quite quickly. I like that I can just scroll through the tasks and find one that I can do in the time I have available. You can also prioritize your tasks by importance. I like the list view of projects because I don't have to open workspaces and boards, etc. However, it does also have the Kanban layout.

Huonot puolet:

This is not really the fault of the software, but I tend to put too many tasks in project management tools and this reduces my motivation to open them. Ultimately, it's easier for me to remember something when I write it down on paper.

PR Agent, Kanada
Suhdetoiminta ja viestintä, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot:

Good software!

4,0 3 viikkoa sitten Uusi

Kommentit: Overall, its a good software. I think it is important to set it up it with clear guidelines for the team. If not, we are not making a optimal use of it.

Hyvät puolet:

- Userfriendly - Affordable - Easy to merge with other software - Lots of options to organise work

Huonot puolet:

As there is a lot of way to use Asana, it is kinda hard to make it work for everyone in the team and to make sure everyone does it in the same way.

Director, USA
Koulutuksen hallinta, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Powerful Task & Project Management Tool

5,0 2 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Asana allows me to track my own tasks as well as tasks that ladder up into larger projects and campaigns. Asana provides transparency and accountability into managing work across teams and organizations, and generally seems to be customizable and adaptable to an organization's needs.

Huonot puolet:

Like a lot of software, if you don't set it up in a way that the software can be maximized, you're going to miss out on the value. For example, if different teams in your organization set up their own Asana accounts independently and under different formats, you're going to lose the value of being able to track work across teams and functions - find a way to set it up together even if some work doesn't always need to be visible.

System Administrator, USA
Kansainväliset suhteet, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana for Dependability and Concrete Development

5,0 3 viikkoa sitten Uusi

Kommentit: Asana is the tactical platform that focus on creating sustainability in project enhancement. There is automated structures that closely monitor business projects and maintains a robust work ethic.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana has affirmative project control measures, which maintains operational reliability and ensure there is solid profits. The consistent time management and tracking of business employees is also a powerful part of Asana.

Huonot puolet:

Asana is instrumental and has managed to validate all project related processes.

Technology Development Field Intern, USA
Kemikaalit, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Manage your tasks easily using Asana

5,0 4 viikkoa sitten Uusi

Hyvät puolet:

It is so easy to use and to learn. Integrating Asana with other tools makes work easier.

Huonot puolet:

I once had issues collaborating Asana with other soft wares.

Sales Manager, USA
Terveys, hyvinvointi ja kuntoilu, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana - Reliable in task and project management

5,0 2 kuukautta sitten Uusi

Hyvät puolet:

Its a reliable tool for project and task management. Whats much better we are able to prioritize on tasks that we creates. Its easier to use and very straight forward.

Huonot puolet:

The cost of acquiring the license is high. Limited capabilities for free versions.

Data Analyst, USA
Televiestintä, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Scales up your Project and Task Management

5,0 2 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Its a reliable workflow, project and task management solution. The tool allows you to create, manage, share and view tasks. Has an AI feature that helps to prioritize tasks depending on urgency.

Huonot puolet:

The cost of acquiring the license and the learning curve are the major turnoffs.

Henkilöstöhallinto, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Ready or not, Asana is here for you

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Overall asana is a great tool, I’ve setup an account for every company I worked for the last few years and it has been a game changer ever since. I do have quite a few years of project management experience so it is quirky and exciting for me to use this tool. I recommend teams looking to implement dedicate an internal or external PM to setup the tool for your company’s internal teams by understanding what current challenges they face when providing status updates on projects. This tool needs atleast 90 days to really get it setup for companies with 150 employees or less but will become an instant hit if you dedicate the resources to get it started

Hyvät puolet:

Asana is a great tool for the type A project manager or teams that enjoy craft organizational tools with a twist. Asana has a TON of different customizations such as creating rules for tasks once the completion date has been reached or allowing you to assign a collaborator to a child tasks with a parent action

Huonot puolet:

Since there are so many custom tool options it may motivate teams to delay the initial setup of the tool to make it work for your industry or line of project tasks and milestones

Product Designer, Espanja
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Integrating Asana For Workflow Efficiency

4,0 3 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: It makes our workflow much, much easier and communication much more effective. Our design team is able to stay aligned through their simplified interface, which makes it very simple to track tasks and deadlines. But there have been some occasional glitches, but these are generally minor and do not impede on our productivity.

Hyvät puolet:

Its very convenient to use task management system in Asana and seamless integration make it a hit. Customizable templates allow the workflows to be tailored to specific projects and help teams to be more efficient. Asana continuous collaboration features help its team members communicate instantly, get updates, and track progress without any hiatus, and it is a powerful choice for product designers.

Huonot puolet:

Asana has its strengths but could use a couple of extra bells and whistles, as far as reporting goes, which would give a bit deeper knowledge about project timelines and resource allocation. Additionally, the mobile app's UI needs to be cleaner and more streamline in order to execute the navigation, in which the user can even perform the tasks easily on the go.

Technical Project Manager, USA
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana is a ROBUST platform!

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Overall, I had great success staying organized with this project mamagement tool.

Hyvät puolet:

I love how complex of a product Asana is with levels and layers of logic you can built into the tool.

Huonot puolet:

It took awhile to get familiar with the layout and way the platform worked, as I was used to using Trello and Kanban boards in Confluence.

Managing Partner, USA
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot:

Asana is the app you are looking for

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: We've been using Asana as the engine that runs our company for several years, I can't imagine working without it.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana is the only project management software I've found that has every feature I need, with the most intuitive user interface.

Huonot puolet:

Wish it had more third-party integrations, but we found API services to fill that need.

Director, Australia
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Very Pleased!!

5,0 3 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Love it. It's a great product that for me is very dialled in now. I won't be moving unless they start removing functionality and options.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana has a lot of moduality. I'm a very particular person and very systems-minded, and I can really tailor Asana to those specific, high-level needs. That said, Asana manages to offer that power of options without over-crowding the UI/X and making the platform feel sluggish or over-stimulating to view.

Huonot puolet:

Very few things that are largely insignificant compared to it's strength. There are small details like the pop-up windows from completed, deleted or altered tasks appearing on the left of screen obscuring the menus/ projects. You have to close each one until you can get to click your next project.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot:

Asana for Small Business

5,0 8 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Asana is a great way to learn about project management. It is even better to hold your project team accountable even when they don't know what a project team is.

Hyvät puolet:

What do I not like about Asana is the real question. It is the reason that I love project management.

Huonot puolet:

I wish the templates were free but it is so affordable, I do not mind paying for it.

Membership and Meetings Manager, USA
Voittoa tuottamattomien järjestöjen hallinta, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana works well when you make it work for you

4,0 3 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: I have a positive experience with Asana! I have yet to find the perfect software in general, so it of course is not without its minor flaws. I'd highly recommend this product.

Hyvät puolet:

If you know how to use Asana and all of its features, then it can work wonders for your team. Asana is helpful for tracking shared tasks on a team-level, such as a team that is planning an annual event with multiple tasks, deadlines, and departments (marketing and sponsorships, event logistics, registration management, etc.). Your team's Asana can consist of multiple "Projects", with sub-categories within each project for your individual tasks. Tasks can be assigned to as few or as many teammates as you'd prefer, and can be set to reoccurring or one-time only. Tasks can move between sub-categories and between projects. Our team also uses Asana for weekly team meetings, where we check off each task as an agenda item, and will sometimes turn an agenda item into a task on someone's to-do list, adding a due date and moving the task to a relevant project.

Huonot puolet:

Sometimes, the functionality and innerworkings of Asana can be rather complex for a team's comprehension. With some training and sharing of best practices, teams can truly make Asana work for them. The cons of Asana lie more with the users, as everyone needs to be on the same page on using Asana and how the team specifically wants to manage tasks. Every team has their own preferences. Also, as someone who represents multiple non-profit organizations in my job and has multiple emails/aliases, it can also be challenging if you have already created an Asana account with one email. There is a way to merge all your Asana "teams" into one log-in, but it is difficult to do so if you have already created an Asana log-in.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Markkinointi ja mainonta, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

An excellent program for project management.

5,0 4 viikkoa sitten Uusi

Kommentit: Asana supports me in my daily management tasks, helping me keep all the information organized in one place and collaborate seamlessly with the entire team. I truly find it superior in terms of project management compared to all the other tools I’ve tried.

Hyvät puolet:

It’s an excellent tool for project management and collaboration with an interdisciplinary team, even when part of the team is external to the organization.

Huonot puolet:

There’s nothing I don’t like about Asana, but perhaps it could make the experience of duplicating projects a bit simpler.

Creative Writer, Britannia
Uskonnolliset organisaatiot, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

What’s Asana? Experience Based on 7 Years

4,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Workflow automation saves time which I devote in other productive activities mainly in creative writing for the Media & Broadcasting industry.

Hyvät puolet:

Ever since 2018, it has been easy for me in the three current companies to plan, track and manage tasks without involving manual procedures.

Huonot puolet:

It offers collaboration and instant messaging features but it lack VC capabilities.

Project Specialist, USA
Verkko-oppiminen, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana is the Best in Task Management

5,0 2 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: I have enjoyed using Asana both professionally and in my personal task management. It keeps me organized and ensures my team completes projects on time. We build full process maps that outlines exactly who is responsible for what at every stage of a project.

Hyvät puolet:

I love the ability to organize projects with tasks, sub-tasks, and even sub-sub-tasks. We can assign people to each task with specific due dates. My whole team is always on the same page because of this task management system.

Huonot puolet:

The only con is that I would love to have more flexibility on how I organize the projects, because my company has quite a few and they can be cumbersome to locate at times.

Operations, Britannia
Asianajotoiminta, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana - I couldn't work without it

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Asana is a huge part of my work experience. I literally spend maybe 15% of my total time at work on Asana, as I work in operations. There are tons of different uses for it, to list a few that I use:
1. Content calendar for email marketing
2. Board for review dates of internal knowledge articles and templates
3. Personal boards for each of our team members listing tasks
4. Team boards that show each team members list of capacity (overlaps with 3)
5. Meeting boards where anyone is welcome to add a card into a 'to be discussed column' where we discuss ideas in a weekly meeting

Hyvät puolet:

I liked the incredible customisability the most about Asana. It's a software that has thousands (maybe a slight hyperbole) of potential uses. We use it for so many things, and it is incredibly integrated into my daily workflow I couldn't imagine working without it.

Huonot puolet:

Asana is slightly lacking options regarding levels of user access into projects. For example, who can comment, who can view, who can add attachments etc..

Senior Analyst Programmer, Australia
Jälleenmyynti, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Why Asana is the Best for Instant Messaging, Live Chat and PPM

5,0 5 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Asana has a wide range of features that streamlines business task management, team collaboration and file sharing in real-time.

Huonot puolet:

I am experiencing zero flaws on my end when using Asana ever since the vendor fixed the bug I was encountering on my iOS App.

Advisor to the Digital Marketing Team, Britannia
Voittoa tuottamattomien järjestöjen hallinta, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

P.Butt Asana Experience in a Filled Survey

5,0 4 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Carrying out project and task management procedures manually is quite daunting. Asana is what we rely on to automate the entire process.

Huonot puolet:

Even though Asana offers collaboration tools, it lacks web conferencing capability.

Operational Finance, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Rakentaminen, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

The organizer of your tasks

5,0 5 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: I usually use Asana when I need to organize events at work, as well as to keep track of each task and project. Additionally, I can monitor the progress of the project or task.

Hyvät puolet:

I have found Asana very useful for my work area since it allows me to create projects together with my team. Additionally, Asana has allowed me to assign a name to the project, break down the tasks, assign responsibilities to each team member, and set a deadline for each task.

Huonot puolet:

What I haven't liked about this tool is that it can be complex to use when you're a new member, but it's just a matter of time to learn.

Spinning Instructor, Portugali
Terveys, hyvinvointi ja kuntoilu, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Asana gave us a fortune in managing our projects.

5,0 5 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Asana has given our team a helping hand in project planning and management which is why we have experienced great success from our projects. It ensures that we have everything and everyone on the same page during the entire project lifecycle.

Hyvät puolet:

Asana task view boards allows us to keep up with the real time progress of our work. The team communication tools has offered us an efficient way to keep our team united during the entire project period by helping us share updates easily. It offers exceptional project reporting function that offers incredible insights that allows us to align our work with our objectives.

Huonot puolet:

Everything about Asana has melted our hearts. We can't get anything to like least.