Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 17 vuoden ajan



Mikä on Engagedly?

Näkemykselliset organisaatiot, joilla on 100–10 000 työntekijää, käyttävät palkkahallintomoduulimme palkkasuunnitteluun, entä jos -analyysi ja simulaatioiden suorittaminen. Hallitse budjettejasi helposti tehdäksesi suunnitelmia budjetin mukaan huomioiden useat tekijät, kuten markkinatiedot, arvostelut, palkkaluokat ja prosenttipistealue. Delegoi esimiehiä asettamaan tiiminsä palkkiot määritetyn budjetin puitteissa. Monipuolisen analytiikan avulla edistät parempia palkkamalleja

Kuka käyttää tuotetta Engagedly?

Palveluorganisaatiot, joilla on tietotyöntekijöitä ja joiden työntekijämäärä on 50–5 000 tai enemmän

Engagedly -ohjelmisto – 1
Engagedly -ohjelmisto – 2
Engagedly -ohjelmisto – 3
Engagedly -ohjelmisto – 4
Engagedly -ohjelmisto – 5

Mietitkö vielä, onko Engagedly hyvä valinta? Vertaa suosittuun vaihtoehtoon



4,6 (77)
70,00 $
Ilmainen versio
Ilmainen kokeilu
4,4 (77)
4,7 (77)
4,7 (77)
Vastinetta rahalle
2,99 €
Ilmainen versio
Ilmainen kokeilu
4,5 (11)
4,4 (11)
4,5 (11)
Vihreät arvosanapalkit näyttävät parhaan tuotteen keskimääräisen arvosanan ja arvosteluiden määrän perusteella.

Muita hyviä vaihtoehtoja kuin Engagedly

Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Työntekijöiden aikataulutus
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Kurssien hallinta
Käynnissä oleva suorituskyvyn seuranta
Parhaiksi arvioidut ominaisuudet
Koulutuksen hallinta
Kurssien hallinta

Arvostelut tuotteelle Engagedly

Keskimääräinen pisteytys

Vastinetta rahalle

Arvostelut yrityksen koon mukaan (työntekijät)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Etsi arvosteluja arvosanan mukaan

Director of Operations, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Very positive. The support team has been great during the rollout process.

5,0 7 vuotta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

A LOT of features that academic research has proven are necessary for employee engagement. Clean layout. I like how you can turn items on or off. This was especially useful so I didn't overwhelm my team.

Huonot puolet:

Not 100 percent intuitive but this goes away with time in the program. The IT team is also great at explaining how things work AND changing things to make it easier

HR Generalist, USA
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

More than just software. Your company needs this!

5,0 5 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Overall, I couldn't recommend this software enough. It's challenging our employees to look at their goals, check-in their progress, and all while knowing it is going to affect and roll up to their performance review. If I do run into an issue or have a question, the support team has been outstanding. You email them and the follow up and resolution is always prompt. If they do have to take extra time to test things on their end, they communicate this so you're not left wondering anything. From a cost perspective, to all that the software offers, and complete with an excellent support system - you cannot go wrong. 12/10 would recommend.

Hyvät puolet:

It's hard to pinpoint what I like the most. I enjoy each module and its respective functionality. I will say the surveys have shaped our 2020 goals for us in HR. Being able to get employee pulses and feedback, all with easy reporting, really let us know what needs to change and what can be improved. Sending something just for fun is great too. I've enjoyed challenging people to set goals as well. Transparency is huge and it's great that our employees can see exactly HOW they are making a difference.

Huonot puolet:

Perhaps the only thing that's been an issue is not being able to report on an employee after they have been blocked, or terminated, from the system. There's an easy enough workaround to unblock them, go back and find what you're looking for, and then block them again. Maybe there is a solution I just don't know about yet!

Investment Advisor, Palestiina
Rahoituspalvelut, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Engagdly App - Individual user

3,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: The Engagedly platform has significantly reduced the time and effort required for new hire onboarding at the company. Additionally, employees can use it as a reference tool for work-related queries as all necessary courses are uploaded to the platform.

Hyvät puolet:

Easiness of use Cost-effective and time-efficient for training sessions, making it an excellent option for companies looking to streamline the onboarding process for new employees.A good solution for evaluating employee performance in big corporations.

Huonot puolet:

Does not offer a comprehensive HR management solution.It does not provide the courses time to be completed,it does not have personalization based on user preferences

Director, Employee Development, USA
Rakentaminen, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

I'm 90% in Love

5,0 6 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: We are addressing the performance management, goal development, and onboarding process using Engagedly. It's a very good tool for a smaller company that, just like the big companies, needs to address these issues.

Hyvät puolet:

It has excellent features. I love that I can use this for onboarding, light LMS, and performance management/goals and development.

Huonot puolet:

The multi-rater and performance features can get very complicated very quickly. Our people work on various teams that change throughout the year, so setting up multiple cycles, multiple templates, and making sure that I assign the right templates to the right people is extremely labor intensive. Also when I send reminders to the multi-raters or notifications it sends them to all of them. I would like to be able to select who gets notified or reminded.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Tietokoneen ohjelmistot, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Great for Praise and Feedback

4,0 6 vuotta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Engagedly offers a ton of features as well as a massive amount of permission controls. It's a great way for to team members to easily "Praise" or give recognition to one another. It also allows for team members to request and give "Feedback", which can be great for transparency and personal growth. This software is also great for yearly, quarterly, etc. performance reviews.

Huonot puolet:

There's so much you can do with this software that it's a bit of a learning curve. The permissions are endless, which is great, but there is a lot of tweaking that needs to be done as we continue to use and learn the software.