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Unit4 Human Capital Management
Mikä on Unit4 Human Capital Management?
Unit4 HCM on kykyjen edistämisalusta, joka tarjoaa vaihtoehdon vuosittaisille suoritusarvioille. Keskeisiä tavoitteitamme ovat
1) esimiesten valmentamiskykyjen parantaminen,
2) HR:n ajan säästäminen,
3) työntekijöiden tukeminen heidän urallaan.
Työkaluihimme kuuluvat nopea palaute, ohjatut keskustelut, sujuva tavoitteiden asettaminen, jatkuvat sitoutumiskyselyt, integroitu oppimisratkaisu ja edistynyt henkilöstöanalytiikka. Tarjoamme erityisen käyttöönotto-ohjelman, johon sisältyy työpajoja.
Kuka käyttää tuotetta Unit4 Human Capital Management?
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Unit4 Human Capital Management
Arvostelut tuotteelle Unit4 Human Capital Management
Easy to use
Hyvät puolet:
The online platform is easy to use and the user interface is simple to navigate.
Huonot puolet:
I haven’t used all the features but so far there hasn’t been anything that as a user I feel is negative
Kommentit: i'm liking it but also have to take a lot of time to get to know the system, as it's not as easy to use as we hoped it would be (especially as admin). this is also because we use things a little differently than intended by using coaches instead of team leads for example and because we wanted to use snapshots not only for evaluating performance but also to send out a company wide mini survey on the new performance cycle.
Hyvät puolet:
i like that it gives our company the possibility to cascade company goals to team- and personal goals. i like that it's easy to request and give feedback to colleagues i like that, as an admin, i can see the activity of my colleagues directly in my feed so i get a clear view on how much it's being used
Huonot puolet:
the user experience is not optimal. there are a lot of inconsequent interactions, functions on weird places and lacking of options that seem so obvious to have. for expample: - i can not change the order of my objectives by deadline, while it is possible to change the order of the key results - lists of users are alphabetically ordered by last name, while they are listed with first name first, making it hard to scan - if i want to select people (for example as team leader or coach) in a list of people, you would expect that by clicking the name i would select the person, but that takes me to their profile, so i have to click the radio button only. - if you want to reschedule a conversation you just have to guess you can click the date that looks like static text - in the statistics it never adds the last day so the data is always old. - and so on and so on also: one of the biggest reasons we chose Intuo was because we we're told we could add job profiles with competencies by making 'persona's' and copy them to employees. this turned out not to be true, the only thing we can do is make a list of job TITLES and tag them with skills. that last option seems useless though, because if you give employees the matching job titles, the tagged skills are not transferred to their account. fortunately [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] took our dissapointment very seriously and they are now working on a more elaborate job profile that can be connected to the employees.
Has room for improvement
Hyvät puolet:
It makes asking for feedback from different people more easy, as I don't need to interrupt anyone's job to ask for it. Also, the formality of the platform makes people write their feedback in a more structured and mindful type of way.
Huonot puolet:
It has a lot of bugs, the Dutch copy has several mistakes and it isn't as intuitive as I initially thought. I needed a lot of explaining to figure out how to work with it to its full potential. As an administrator, I need to contact the support team several times a week because users either found bugs that do not allow them to work with Intuo properly or it is not clear how to use something.
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5 vuotta sitten
Hi Susana, thank you for your feedback. Not only here on this platform but to our support team as well. Thanks to engaged users like you, our user experience improves every day. We appreciate that a lot.
Easy to use Performance platform
Kommentit: intuo is a great added value to our agile performance management. We were able to realise more regular contacts between manager and team member; resulting in detecting sooner possible issues. Create purpose for everyone by applying goal cascading and transparency. There was a real shift on that point to make objectives more inspiring and smart for all teams and team members. In the meantime, we can monitor continuously our engagement and use this feedback to set-up new initiatives.
Hyvät puolet:
It was important for us that the tool is user-friendly, mobile friendly and easy to install. We wanted a sort of digital napkin to log what is discussed during the career discussions and wanted to step away from a heavy complex HR tool. intuo is very agile, easy to install, you just create the organisation structure, add your values, and maybe add some additional questions and you are good to go. There are already some templates available. I like the engagement pulse and the continuous monitoring on several engagement drivers. As well managers have visibility to the engagement for their team and can manage their employee discussions easily. You can request feedback, give a praise, all in a straight-forward way. Reporting is available and you can export it all. The support is great, they help with communication, follow-up regularly, the help desk answers quickly. You can also log a suggestion and the intuo team is continuously looking how to improve their platform.
Huonot puolet:
There is definitely some reporting available but it can be improved, more in terms of what does this data mean. It would be nice if we could create our own reports. Currently, there are only predefined reports available.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Thanks Sara for your review. It's a pleasure working with you guys.
Intuo Perform at Switch
Kommentit: A tool only does so much. It's only efficient when applied, in which the managers have an exemplary role. Not all of our managers use it, while others depend on it.
Hyvät puolet:
Intuo Perform encourages its users to engage in constructive talks about development by providing an approachable platform. Conversation templates benefit from a well-stocked library of questions about career evolution, strengths and weaknesses and opportunities. On top of this, it's customisable so you can add your own questions and templates.
Huonot puolet:
It doesn't provide a hard evaluation tool, although it could work in tandem with one, as you can upload files to Conversations. I would like to see the dashboard fully developed, as it's still in beta.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Hello Jim! Appreciate the kind words. You're spot on with your comment!
Intuo for Performance Management
Kommentit: Good support, always willing to listen and really partner with you to continuously improve the tool
Hyvät puolet:
The software is easy to use and perfectly follows the Agile Performance Management approach we wanted to take. The Team at Intuo have thought about the users, new ways of managing people and have built a tool that is ''intuitive'' and helps to bring continuous evaluation, goal setting, feedback and pulse surveys in one place. The fact you have open API, means you can configure to your other HRM tools/ERP
Huonot puolet:
The questions in the pulse survey can be a bit way out there (but you can change) and somethings you need to look around to get to where you need to go, but overall after comparing to a lot of tools in this market space, both niche and modules within the larger HRM vendor platforms, I'm yet to see something better at answering this specific need.
Gathering data concerning teams and talent done easily
Kommentit: As HR, I feel confident that I’m able to report to the management team/board on how people are feeling/engaging within the organisation on certain events that are going on rapid changing times of today. Above that, I hear from managers that they can take small actions on quantitative and qualitative feedback that they receive.
Hyvät puolet:
We wanted to increase the efforts in gathering data concerning our talent pool and teams. There is a constant flow of events going on in our organisation and it’s necessary to track how people are engaging, anticipating and handling these changes. We want to make sure it’s a flexible way of pulsing questions and tracking engagement. With intuo, you have the possibility to choose which questions (fixed or own set of questions) and when you are willing to send these out. The dashboard and insights module give you the chance to track changes and get feedback both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Huonot puolet:
They are constantly adding new reports that are predefined and able to download. It would be useful to create own reports with columns that you would like to see in an excel/CSV.
Easy to analyze the engagement data by using dashboards!
Kommentit: Because of the low workload to analyze the engagement results, I can recommend using this tool. We are always very busy and in life, you really need to make choices to make it easier, but most of all: to make it more valuable for your company.
Hyvät puolet:
Within our company culture, we are concerned about how employees are feeling at work. We know these kinds of things are not always easy to be discussed between a team leader and a team member because of the psychological and emotional factors. That’s why we were looking for a user-friendly tool for pulsing engagement questions on a regular basis in a private way. With intuo, you have the possibility to choose which themes and questions you want to ask. After filling in the easy-to-use survey, it’s easy to analyze the results in the engagement overview. The most important thing to mention is the dashboards. Intuo has the possibility to show the engagement data in different dashboards to give you the most useful insights you need.
Huonot puolet:
It’s a great asset to make it possible to add qualitative feedback on the quantitative questions of the engagement pulse, but unfortunately, it’s not easy to make a structured report of the comments people gave. It would be better to add this opportunity to make it possible to export those comments as they are very useful to take action on.
Nice to finally use a platform where we can organise everything together in one tool concerning perf
Kommentit: A great asset in our company! It is still the reason why we use intuo, to make it easier to structure our performance management and to let employees grow in their role & personal goals.
Hyvät puolet:
In our company, we were already concerned about how our employees are feeling in doing their job. We try to have a conversation on a regular basis with our employees where we evaluate the performance. We already use an excel file for setting up the personal/work-related goals of every employee. As we are growing very fast, this wasn’t efficient anymore so we decided to search for a solution to make it all possible in one tool: intuo. Intuo has it all: you can have a conversation and while you’re having the conversations, you can set-up the objectives of every employee. In the next conversation, we evaluate the objectives and at the end of the year, we can easily make the analysis for every employee by using the dashboards and reports in intuo.
Huonot puolet:
In our company, there’s always a conversation between a team member, his team leader and the [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] at the end of the year. It’s not yet possible in intuo to add a third party to a conversation.
A great tool for OKR-tracking and (360) feedback
Kommentit: Besides being a great tool, communication and support have been amazing. Beyond supporting the practical implementation, they pro-actively offer help where it is desired to create a more OKR-driven company with feedback-focused employees.
Hyvät puolet:
While searching for a feedback-tool we ended up with Intuo. What appeals to me most about Intuo is that feedback can be tied to objectives, competencies, and values. It makes it easier to put feedback to practical use. On top of that, it's intuitive in its use and it helps build a constructive conversation between employees (and leads).
Huonot puolet:
My only con is that you can't trigger a customizable e-mail prompt around feedback events.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Thanks Auke for your kind words. Awesome to see how well you use our platform. I've passed on your remark so we can hopefully improve your experience even further.
Easy to measure employee engagement within the company
Kommentit: We are very happy with this intuo engage platform. It helps HR, but also team managers to have a clear understanding of employee engagement over time.
Hyvät puolet:
The fact that there is a mobile app. This makes it very easy for employees to fill in the engagement surveys. On top of that, you have the flexibility to send different surveys to different groups within the company. With the insights module, you have different ways to help you, as HR but also as a manager, to analyse the results. Since we are a global company, we really liked the fact that the tool is available in multiple languages.
Huonot puolet:
Platform is not available in Chinese unfortunately
Intuo really makes worklife better
Kommentit: Intuo is usefull, easy to work with and gives us loads of informations we didn't receive before. We can only be happy!
Hyvät puolet:
- Easy way to give feedback - People get the canche to give feedback anonymous - Easy to programm - Good contact with Intuo
Huonot puolet:
It would be usefull when answers could be sorted in time. Now they are mixed.
Insights in expectations
Hyvät puolet:
Easy to use and install Follow up and progress through well equipped dashboard Modifications are possible after the software is implemented Open organisation : meetings are effective and well prepared New features are implemented step by step which gives you time to adapt as an organisation
Huonot puolet:
The software offers what is needed in our organisation, no cons at the moment
Review Intuo
Hyvät puolet:
Intuo helps me structure the two weekly conversations with the team. The tool facilitates and secures the proces of seeing where they stand in their career, where they want to be and how to get there. Implementing Intuo also got me more in a frame of mind to ask and give feedback on a regular basis.
Huonot puolet:
As an interaction designer I must say: the usability of the interface. After three months I still get lost in the application sometimes.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Hi Sven, thanks for sharing your experience. We're sorry that you have been having trouble with aspects of the UI, we'll be in touch with your company soon to see how we can improve your experience.
A great and modern Talent Management System
Kommentit: We started using INTUO on a daily basis a few months ago and so far it has allowed our people to give feedback and praise faster, resulting in faster feedback cycles and happier co-workers. We use INTUO's engagement tool to assess the happiness of our employees which has resulted in better knowledge of weak points in our organisation. We're loving it!
Hyvät puolet:
- New approach to talent management - Always works - Great UX
Huonot puolet:
- Lacks some features that we would like, but the team is releasing them soon
Great potential, user interface could use some extra love
Hyvät puolet:
It has many interesting options and templates that can help out
Huonot puolet:
I find the user interface not super logical. You can find what you need eventually but for me it sometimes needs many clicks where I believe it can be done a bit better. Also if you are in different teams in different roles, I have the feeling that this usecase isnt worked out completely yet.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Hi Kirsten, thanks a lot for your feedback. We're sorry that you have been having trouble with aspects of the UI, we'll contact the project manager asap to discuss this and see how we can improve your experience. Thanks again!
Good insights and a good way to collect all information
Hyvät puolet:
It's really useful that we can collect all information in one system such as meetings, goals, feedback. Especially having a place to gather feedback and praises is something i really like.
Huonot puolet:
It's sometimes a bit unclear where to find stuff. I think there are a few features we can add to make it more usable (i.e. to have your key results and goals shown at places where you need it)
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Thank you for your review and your kind words Daphne. We'll take your feedback into account.
easy to use platform, improving the culture and performance of my clients
Kommentit: I'm a change consultant and I implement and use Intuo in the companies I work. I really see a difference in a short amount of time. Thanks to the feedback and praise the culture gets better, and thanks to the Objectives and Key Results the focus gets sharper. And some clients start to use the full package as well, which is the learn and engage platform.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
9 vuotta sitten
Thanks for the to positive words!
Intuo keeps us on the same page
Hyvät puolet:
Easy to receive and give feedback Ideal to manage and visualize your objectives this is our go-to tool to get everyone aligned
Huonot puolet:
Needs some training to get started. But once you get the hang of it it's easy
INTUO - Engage
I was skeptical at first, as I'm not a big fan of the whole tree hugging, mindful, namaste, be-nice-to-each-other kind of trends.
A couple of our younger team members insisted on trialing Engage by INTUO. And I must say, since then every Friday, I am looking forward to actually see in the graph how the week has been/perceived for all the different teams.
Hyvät puolet:
It is simple in to use and doesn't really need a manual.
Huonot puolet:
Navigation is sometimes a bit confusing.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Hi Tom! Thank you for your feedback. Sorry to hear that the navigation isn't always clear, we'll be in touch soon to talk about this and see how we can improve your experience.
Definitely worth trying!
We started Engage by INTUO about 1 year ago. Since then we've realised the importance of listening to our people, and have also started using INTUO's perform package.
If you aren't sure whether INTUO is something that fits you and your company culture, the Engage package is the perfect tool to quickly do the test.
Great place to store progress all year long
Kommentit: great, I really like it!
Hyvät puolet:
That you can lessen recency bias by collecting and logging achievements all year long.
Huonot puolet:
Sometimes the personal goals are hard to ask feedback on because you cant share the scoring metrics.
Myyjän Unit4 vastaus
5 vuotta sitten
Hi Jim, I appreciate the feedback and kind words. I'll pass them on and we'll see what we can improve.
you know what lives in the team
Before we started working with INTUO - enagage, the only way to find out how our teams were 'feeling' was by listening around by the coffee machine.
Now all our employees have an anonymous vote to how they are feeling, and expressing what they are missing.
Valuable conversations!
The anonymous feedback that team members can give on the weekly questions have triggered great team discussions.
These are very valuable conversations that led to measures that have improved our company culture a great deal!