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YouTestMe GetCertified
Mikä on YouTestMe GetCertified?
Verkkopohjainen yrityssovellus tutkintoihin, koulutukseen, kyselyihin sekä & sertifiointiin – ja siinä on laaja raportointimoduuli. YouTestMe GetCertifed on erittäin suojattu järjestelmä, jota voidaan käyttää sekä pilvipalvelussa että paikallisesti, joten se on paras valinta julkishallinnolle, yrityksille ja oppilaitoksille. Se tarjoaa monia erilaisia mahdollisuuksia räätälöintiin ja integrointeihin API:n kautta sekä monia hyödyllisiä lisäosia (esimerkiksi verkkokauppa, kertakirjautuminen, etätestaukset jne.).
Kuka käyttää tuotetta YouTestMe GetCertified?
YouTestMe GetCertified -ohjelmalle on käyttöä julkishallinnossa, yrityksissä, pankkialalla tai koulutuskeskuksissa – missä tahansa, missä tarvitaan jatkuvaa koulutusta, osaamisen arviointia ja sertifiointia.
Mietitkö vielä, onko YouTestMe GetCertified hyvä valinta?
Vertaa suosittuun vaihtoehtoon

YouTestMe GetCertified
Arvostelut tuotteelle YouTestMe GetCertified

A bit costly but full of features and support
Kommentit: Overall very responsive team, excellent onboarding with video training included if needed.
Hyvät puolet:
Lots of features for testing - much more robust than most other similar options out there (and I have looked at many). Customizations are included; I have found the team very engaged in getting the environment, including some unique elements, integrated.
Huonot puolet:
Definitely cost. As a small business, this has been an important decision. There are costs related to the software, hosting, and support. Definitely helped to talk things over and get a solution that fit what we could afford balanced with what we need it to do.
Exceptional support from YTM
Kommentit: We were apprehensive about adding proctoring to our online testing as many of our clients are not particularly technology oriented. YTM’s product and support allowed us to seamlessly integrate test proctoring and has been working well for six months now.
Hyvät puolet:
Company was very responsive, competitively priced and their support for integrating the proctoring into our Moodle LMS and refining the service was the best software support we have ever experienced.
Huonot puolet:
Nothing, any minor issues we experienced were quickly addressed by YTM staff
State of the art online testing platform!
Kommentit: Helps us to organize our global assessments more efficiently.
Hyvät puolet:
It covers all required features with regards to flexibility and IT security, plus more highly technical solutions.
Huonot puolet:
As it is an extensive platform system, it is also a bit demanding to implement.
YouTestMe has been a great partner for years!
Kommentit: With YouTestMe, managing our exams is stress free, seamless and enjoyable.
Hyvät puolet:
We've been working with YouTestMe for about 5 years and are very happy with their communication. Their customer service to our team and to our candidates is excellent. The platform is easy to use for both candidates and admins. Whenever we have a question, we are able to to get quick answers and ample support.
Huonot puolet:
The staff turnover year to year can be daunting but the staff are always top notch!
Super Helpful Tool - Selection Process, Learning Processes and Gap Analysis
Kommentit: Fantastic experience all round, would recommend!
Hyvät puolet:
Love how customisable the tool is as well as the support from the team at YouTestMe to help us with integrating into our existing tools.
Huonot puolet:
Nothing! We had a really great experience with the team and the product!
Best certification service ever
Kommentit: Excellent, everything very well organized, they provide the best service.
Hyvät puolet:
YouTestMe Test Center provides excellent remote testing support. With complete test administration and 24/7 live proctoring, they make testing hassle-free.
Huonot puolet:
Nothing, everythin seems very easy and their customer support is very good.
SAEM Usage of Test Platform
Hyvät puolet:
The platform is good to use and interactive for the user to take quizzes and exams. Have a some good controls of the exam formats and be able to upload a bulk of questions instead of entering them individually.
Huonot puolet:
Part of the difficulty that we have is a number of students will get interrupted on their exams from time to time. The login is very sensitive with capitalization and punctuation. All emails from the platform go into the SPAM folder of the user every time until their server gets it recognized. And the reports that are on this platform are general, but I wish there will be a place that I create my own instead of requesting each time from the YouTestMe team.
The only other option is hiring a company to do the same work
Hyvät puolet:
We have to do HIPAA examinations every year for all of the clinical staff. GetCertified allowed us to create our own customized certificates for the HIPAA examinations and everyone loved it! The test creation functionality was top notch and intuitive.
Huonot puolet:
I didn't care for the selection of templates offered to us. They seemed boring and when we printed the certificates, the company logo was warped.
Myyjän YouTestMe vastaus
2 vuotta sitten
Dear Ahmed, We would like to inform you that we have made significant improvements to our certificate offerings and are pleased to announce the creation of new certificates. Our team has dedicated considerable time and effort to research and develop these new certificates, which are now more relevant and come with a wider variety of templates to choose from. We recognize the importance of providing reliable and trustworthy certification and are committed to ensuring that our certificates meet the highest standards. Thank you for your reference, and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further inquiries. Sincerely, YouTestMe Team
A software that delivers and a support team that care
Hyvät puolet:
The features cover all our needs and so much more at an affordable rate with the option to grow and expand based on number of users so it grows with your company.
Huonot puolet:
A learning curve but I am impatient and want to know everything right away. The support team, however, is great and very responsive.
Students Certification for Entrepreneurial Competences (ESP)
Hyvät puolet:
Support scheme and 24/7 availability, also with different timezones. Ease of use. Customization possibility. Price.
Huonot puolet:
A lot of features need to be customized. Translation functionality for some question types.
Myyjän YouTestMe vastaus
2 vuotta sitten
Davide, thank you for your review! We are happy to hear that you enjoy our services. We are proud to offer a high level of feature customization to meet any organization's needs and scenarios. Our customer support is always available to provide assistance in feature customization. We would love to hear additional feedback from you to understand better what needs to be improved.
Product Review
Kommentit: Great experience with the team.
Hyvät puolet:
Very intuitive and easy to use. Excellent customer service provided.
Huonot puolet:
It is a little difficult to understand all the features in the beginning.
YouTestMe is great for online testing
Kommentit: Overall using YouTestMe has been a great experience
Hyvät puolet:
YouTestMe is a really great, affordable platform for online testing, with or without remote proctoring
Huonot puolet:
It would be nice if the system allowed for viewing of 3D models as part of questions
Myyjän YouTestMe vastaus
2 vuotta sitten
Nicholas, thank you for your review! We are happy to hear that you enjoyed our services. Your suggestion to introduce 3D models as part of question-making is highly appreciated and will be forwarded to our development team.
Good Product with lots of features
Kommentit: You Test Me is a great product and i highly recommend it. Once you learn how to create exams it is easy to use and run exams with webex integration.
Hyvät puolet:
The options for exams, reports and organizing the data.
Huonot puolet:
Sometimes hard to set up and fix some of the integration parts and first setting up the exams.
Very satisfied with product and its support
Hyvät puolet:
-Ability to automatically generate certificates to test takers is a feature that helped us decide to go with YouTestMe. Sence we conduct a couple of certificates took as a lot of time and money -Customer support is great. We needed a minor customization and we got it free of charge
Helpful for testing in college
Hyvät puolet:
- I like that this can be accessed anywhere and offers layers of applications so you can use it as simply as you want, or use it for more complex test systems.
Huonot puolet:
- I actually do not like the name at all- it does not say at all what it does or for whom it is. It is also too expensive and not used very often, so hard to sync other systems.
I would recommended Get Certified to HR departments.
Kommentit: We use Get Certified in pre-employment testing and with help of a lot useful statistical data that Get Certified offers. We can create individual training courses and tests.
I found the Setup process easy to walk through with clear options
Hyvät puolet:
So many options to setup the tests will make this such a valuable tool. This interface is not overly complicated of messy - think Google like
Huonot puolet:
So many options may overwhelm so users. Maybe a help tab to help user/managers navigate around the - possibly a chat function
I created surveys. They were easy and quick to set up, the process was intuitive.
Hyvät puolet:
Highly customizable, easy to manage both on a small and on a large scale. In addition to the software itself, I should mention that support: they were helpful and their turn-around time to address questions was quick.
Huonot puolet:
Couldn't find negatives yet, but I don't have many points of reference for comparison. The only other survey software I used was mailchimp and I found this one to be more robust and easier to set up.
Just starting
Kommentit: There are a lot of unfriendly user functions
Hyvät puolet:
A lot of features, it is a very robust system that seems to have many testing options.
Huonot puolet:
It is difficult for those less tech savvy to implement.
Answer generator is what caught our eye in Get Certified.
Kommentit: That has the ability to randomize answers in questions, thus minimizing the chance of cheating on test.