Olemme auttaneet yrityksiä valitsemaan
parhaita ohjelmistoja jo 17 vuoden ajan

Mikä on Absorb LMS?

Absorb LMS:n avulla organisaatiot voivat tarjota työntekijöille, asiakkaille, kumppaneille tai jäsenille tietoa, jota he tarvitsevat tehdäkseen työnsä tehokkaasti. Absorbin luokkansa parhaan käyttöliittymän ansiosta LMS:n käyttö on sekä oppijoiden että ylläpitäjien kannalta helppoa ja dynaamista. Tee oppimisesta ja kehittämisestä yrityksesi kilpailuetu integroimalla palkittu oppimisen hallintajärjestelmä, jossa perinteisten LMS-ominaisuuksien toimivuus yhdistyy tarkasti mietittyyn käyttäjäkokemukseen.

Kuka käyttää tuotetta Absorb LMS?

Sopii työntekijöiden koulutusta, ulkoista koulutusta tai molempia tarjoaville organisaatioille, mukaan lukien verkkokaupan alalla. Työskentelemme organisaatioille, joissa on opiskelijoita muutamasta sadasta satoihin tuhansiin.

Missä Absorb LMS voidaan ottaa käyttöön?


Tietoja myyjästä

  • Absorb
  • Paikkakunta: Calgary, Kanada
  • Perustettu vuonna 2002

Absorb LMS: tuki

  • Puhelintuki
  • 24/7 (asiakaspalvelija)
  • Chat

Saatavilla olevat maat

Alankomaat, Arabiemiirikunnat, Argentiina, Australia, Belgia ja 37 muuta


arabia, englanti, espanja, heprea, hollanti ja 18 muuta

Absorb LMS: hinnat


Ei toimittajan tarjoama
  • Kyllä, tästä on maksuton kokeiluversio
  • Ei maksutonta versiota

Absorb LMS ei tarjoa ilmaista versiota, mutta tarjoaa ilmaisen kokeilun.

Hintasuunnitelmat hanki ilmainen kokeiluversio

Tietoja myyjästä

  • Absorb
  • Paikkakunta: Calgary, Kanada
  • Perustettu vuonna 2002

Absorb LMS: tuki

  • Puhelintuki
  • 24/7 (asiakaspalvelija)
  • Chat

Saatavilla olevat maat

Alankomaat, Arabiemiirikunnat, Argentiina, Australia, Belgia ja 37 muuta


arabia, englanti, espanja, heprea, hollanti ja 18 muuta

Absorb LMS: videot ja kuvat

Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 1
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 2
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 3
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 4
Näytä 5 muuta
Absorb LMS video
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 1
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 2
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 3
Absorb LMS -ohjelmisto – 4

Tuotteen Absorb LMS ominaisuudet

  • Arviointien hallinta
  • Asiakirjojen hallinta
  • Asynkroninen oppiminen
  • Etenemisen seuranta
  • Itsepalveluportaali
  • Kokeet
  • Kolmannen osapuolen integrointi
  • Koulutuksen hallinnointi
  • Koulutuksen hallinta
  • Koulutusyritykset
  • Kurssien hallinta
  • Kurssien julkaiseminen
  • Kurssien laatiminen
  • Kurssien seuranta
  • Kurssikirjasto
  • Kuvakäsikirjoitukset
  • Käyttäjien hallinta
  • Mallien hallinta
  • Mobiilioppiminen
  • Mobiiliyhteys
  • Monikielinen
  • Monimuoto-oppiminen
  • Muistutukset
  • Mukautettava brändäys
  • Mukautettavat kysymykset
  • Mukautettavat mallit
  • Multimediatuki
  • Oppijaportaali
  • Oppimisen hallinta
  • Oppimispolut
  • Pelillistäminen
  • PowerPoint-muunnos
  • Raportointi/analytiikka
  • SCORM-vaatimustenmukaisuus
  • Self-paced Learning
  • Sertifiointi ja lisensointi
  • Sisällön jakaminen
  • Sisällön kuratointi itsepalveluna
  • Sisällönhallinta
  • Sisältökirjasto
  • Sisäänrakennettu kurssien laadinta
  • Sosiaalinen oppiminen
  • Synkroninen oppiminen
  • Tehtävänantojen hallinta
  • Testit/arvioinnit
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Tietojen tuonti/vienti
  • Tietoliikenteen hallinta
  • Toiminnan hallintapaneeli
  • Toiminnan valvonta
  • Työntekijöiden koulutus
  • Työntekijöiden käsikirja
  • Työntekijöiden portaali
  • Usean käyttäjän yhteistyö
  • Vaatimustenmukaisuuden hallinta
  • Vaatimustenmukaisuuden seuranta
  • Videoiden hallinta
  • Vuorovaikutuksellinen oppiminen
  • Vuorovaikutuksellinen sisältö
  • Äänen/videon tallennus

Absorb LMS: Vaihtoehdot

Selvitä mikä tahansa oppimishaaste ja luo oppimiskulttuuri työkaluilla, jotka kattavat koko yrityksen oppimiselinkaaren.
Kehitä ammattitaitoista työvoimaa tarjoamalla kaikille työntekijöille modernia, ohjailevaa ja mobiilivalmista koulutusta.
TalentLMS on oppimishallintajärjestelmä, joka on kehitetty menestyksekästä koulutusta varten. Järjestelmää on helppo hallita ja sitä on ilo käyttää heti ensimmäisestä klikkauksesta lähtien. Lue lisää tuotteesta TalentLMS
360Learning on oppimisalusta, jossa yhteistyön työkalut yhdistyvät LMS:n tehokkuuteen. Annamme oppimis- ja kehitystiimeille mahdollisuuden edistää kulttuuria.
Palkittu BambooHR auttaa kasvavia organisaatioita henkilöstötietojen automatisoinnissa, keskittämisessä ja yhdistämisessä.
Yli 1 300 L&D-tiimiä ympäri maailmaa tekee yhteistyötä LearnUpon LMS:n kanssa oppimisstrategiansa toteuttamiseksi ja oppimistavoitteidensa saavuttamiseksi.

Arvostelut tuotteelle Absorb LMS

Keskimääräinen pisteytys

Vastinetta rahalle

Arvostelut yrityksen koon mukaan (työntekijät)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Etsi arvosteluja arvosanan mukaan

Business Analyst, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Rahoituspalvelut, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Easy to use and highly customizable LMS

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: In an organization where the employee training process is very significant, it is necessary to have a robust tool that facilitates the planning and execution of staff professional improvement courses. This platform offers a very versatile set of tools.

Hyvät puolet:

I really like that navigating through its functions is very easy. It allows you to design a personalized, interactive and very flexible learning experience. The tracking of participants' progress is very effective and offers very complete reports that provide detailed information for the improvement of the following courses. The electronic signature helps to confirm the fulfillment of the different training stages that are planned.

Huonot puolet:

I would like to see more integration options to strengthen corporate learning paths.

Sr. Manager Learning and Development, USA
Autoteollisuus, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Review of Absorb LMS

4,0 11 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Absorb LMS does meet our needs and the people at Absorb are always great partners. I am interested in seeing new products and how we can use Absorb more in our business.

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb's customer support has always exceeded expectations when needed. Fortunately, we have needed their assistance often, but they have always been a great partner when working through any issues. A great example is working with Absorb's support as we transitioned to a new HRIS platform. I had the pleasure of working with [sensitive content hidden] and he was fantastic. Always quick to reply and willing to help! He made the migration a smooth process! Highly recommend [sensitive content hidden]!

Huonot puolet:

The new Learner Portal updates are not simple for learners to navigate. We use online courses consisting of several modules/chapters. It has become a challenge for our learners to move to the next module. Please add a button that allows them to move forward to next module.

Developer, Kanada
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS review

3,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Development team is making it more flexible by constantly improving and adding features.

Hyvät puolet:

It's integration with ADP is considered to be essential for our team. It has the flexibility of features and is robust and stable. The intelligence search feature making it possible to search the most accurate courses. Videos are so much informative.

Huonot puolet:

It takes more time to configure the setup. The course organization can be done more properly. The modules are needed to be create by our team only to import the data from LMS.

LMS Administrator, USA
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Teollisuuden automaatio, 5 001–10 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS is overall good, but has areas for improvement

4,0 3 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Good for mid-size business internal training, but not if you use both internal & external trainings. Trial is a bit minimal at 10 days as it's hard to really load and test the systems full functionality in that small amount of time. 30 days would be a great update.

Hyvät puolet:

top notch customer service, intuitive interface and integrates well with other systems

Huonot puolet:

system is very clunky for administrators and qlitchy apps. The cost is high for support beyond basics and it's hard to get queries and issues resolved in a timely manner.

Trainer, USA
Uhkapelit ja kasinot, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Our experience with Absorb

5,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: Every Absorb employee we have dealt with has been knowledgeable. and responsive with effective solutions for issues we needed guidance about. They make sure the issue is resolved.

Hyvät puolet:

The Absorb products have a lot of capability and can be configured appropriately for our particular business needs. Absorb implementation was accomplished in less time that some other employee-based systems we have in place. The Absorb platform has never had a performance issue that affected our business.

Huonot puolet:

While there is plenty of report capability designed into the product it would be nice to have the capability expanded to allow for more ad hoc reporting.

Training Coordinator, USA
Rahoituspalvelut, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb is making upskilling easy for my firm

5,0 9 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Overall, I am so glad that we chose Absorb for our LMS. I feel like my company is in great hands and will be able to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to upskilling our employees.

Hyvät puolet:

The content creation tools make creating courses easy and the final product is beautiful. I am also impressed by the support team and the whole onboarding and training system offered. They made it onboarding a breeze.

Huonot puolet:

There has not been any hiccups so far. The training and support has been so robust and the staff so helpful and friendly.

Director of Operations, USA
Ammattikoulutus ja valmennus, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb is a Game Changer for Any Learning/Training Usecase

5,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: Loving every minute of our Absorb experience. We are beyond happy with our decision and as we hit the almost 1-year point, we know this is the home for our training content for years to come!

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb is an amazing powerful LMS, but is amazingly easy to use as well. The dashboard customization, course settings, and user management are straightforward and impactful. And if you get some of the add-ons, you won't ever think of switching to another LMS!

Huonot puolet:

For our specific use case (recurring training vs one and done or certificate renewal), the out-of-the-box reports don't allow us easy visibility into individual chapter completions. It focuses more on course completion

National Advisor Experience Manager, Kanada
Rahoituspalvelut, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Absolutely Thrilled!

5,0 10 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Absolutely thrilled with the customer support provided by [sensitive content hidden] at Absorb! [sensitive content hidden] is knowledgeable, patient, and incredibly helpful. She resolves any issues we have swiftly, making the entire process incredibly smooth. Couldn't be happier with the on-going service we receive from both [sensitive content hidden] and the Absorb team.

Hyvät puolet:

Customer Support has been outstanding and the platform is very easy to use, our users are completely satisfied.

Huonot puolet:

Nothing, everything is suited to our needs at this point.

Training Coordinator, USA
Uusiutuvat materiaalit ja ympäristö, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS for External Trainings

4,0 9 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: Absorb has been an amazing tool for boosting my teams existing online content and I look forward to seeing where this product goes.

Hyvät puolet:

I really appreciate how closely the CSM worked with my team so we weren't launching this product blindly. They were personable and easy to get in touch with. I'm new to the L&D space and love how simple and straightforward it is to implement interactivity in our content through Absorb Create

Huonot puolet:

There's a bit of a learning curve when getting courses set up and optimized in the system. If I wasn't tech savvy I think I would have struggled because of just how much customization there is.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Looop

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen Absorb LMS: Most user friendly admin interface Best customizability Most amount of features for the price

Learning and Development Director, USA
Painoteollisuus, 51–200 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb Experience

5,0 9 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: I enjoy Absorb and their commitment to evolving every day. The ideas portal is fantastic and they show what they are working on.

Hyvät puolet:

It has most features that are out in the LMS world and their customer service is great!

Huonot puolet:

The 3rd party content provider integration. It takes too much time to make course edits and syncing is over a week, not instantly.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Docebo

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen Absorb LMS: Better price and customer service. I felt a connection with our sales person and implementation person.

Director of Learning and Development, USA
Sähkötekniikan ja elektroniikan valmistus, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS

4,0 10 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: We have been with Absorb just past implementation and we are pleased with the product. It is easy to learn and manage.

Hyvät puolet:

The Customer Service for Setup and Implementation was great! The representative was knowledgeable and easy to reach when needed.

Huonot puolet:

There are many screens to click in to find what you need to set up a class. Once you learn all the little places to put things, it is not difficult.

Enterprise Learning and Development D Director, USA
Kuluttajapalvelut, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

We Love Absorb

5,0 viime vuonna

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb has made it so easy to design custom content and roll-out training courses necessary for our organization. Absorb is easy for our learners to use, and the system has made integrations simple and straight-forward.

Huonot puolet:

We've had zero issues with Absorb implementation & use.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Cornerstone LMS

Perusteet valita Absorb LMS: NAVEX did not allow for custom content creation.

Content and Student Experience Manager, Australia
Verkko-oppiminen, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Intuitive, Adaptable System

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: We have not had the option to easily view student logins, update courses, create courses and manage our student experience to date, and Absorb has solved all of these problems immediately. The system has been very easy to set-up, easy to navigate within - from a student and admin experience - and the Absorb Create function is invaluable.

Hyvät puolet:

The simplicity of the system - back end and front end - have made the implementation and launch of our Absorb LMS very straightforward. My company has some unique use cases and my implementation manager, [sensitive content hidden], workshopped a number of issues with me and together we came up with effective solutions. The ease of uploading content has meant that I have had the opportunity to test various course set-ups very quickly.

Huonot puolet:

Our courses require individualised feedback for assessments and currently Absorb is not set-up to allow for this in a comprehensive manner.

Huomioon otetut vaihtoehdot: Docebo

Perusteet valita Absorb LMS: Our previous LMS did not have any of the functionality we needed. It was set-up without planning or assessment of our requirements.

Perusteet vaihtaa tuotteeseen Absorb LMS: The features available in Absorb LMS were similar to these other products, but Absorb Create and the pricepoint were what set Absorb apart.

Learning and Development Administrator, USA
Rakentaminen, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Cotton Holdings Review

5,0 9 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: I would rate it 10/10 after implementation once we received help from [sensitive content hidden]. Absorb LMS addressed a critical challenge within our organization by consolidating multiple learning management systems (LMS) and training accounts into a single platform. This consolidation streamlines the management of training resources and records, eliminating the need to navigate through numerous systems. Furthermore, Absorb LMS enhances our reporting capabilities by centralizing data collection and analysis. Instead of pulling information from disparate sources, we now access comprehensive training data from one centralized location, enabling more efficient and insightful reporting processes. [sensitive content hidden] have been prompt in responding to, assisting with and resolving our concerns. [sensitive content hidden] is a wealth of knowledge, I am so thankful to have his expertise to assist me as I learn the ins and outs of the administration side of Absorb.

Hyvät puolet:

What I appreciate most about Absorb LMS is the invaluable support provided by resources such as [sensitive content hidden]. Their guidance has been instrumental in our journey with the platform, particularly during the initial stages when onboarding took longer than anticipated. Their expertise has enabled us to overcome challenges efficiently and make significant progress, ensuring that we maximize the benefits of our Absorb LMS account.

Huonot puolet:

While Absorb LMS's customizability is undoubtedly a strength, it also presents a unique challenge: starting with a clean slate. Unlike more rigid systems with predefined templates, Absorb LMS offers a blank canvas, requiring organizations to invest time and effort into tailoring the platform to their specific needs. However, this process, while initially demanding, ultimately ensures that the learning experience is precisely aligned with the organization's goals and values, resulting in a more effective and engaging training program in the long run.

Director, Organizational Development, USA
Turvallisuus ja tutkinnat, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS

5,0 7 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: My overall experience has been great! The team is very supportive and is always available to answer questions.

Hyvät puolet:

For the most part, Absorb is easy to use and intuitive. The Create tool with the addition of AI is a huge help in the creation of new content. Our Absorb support team is always available to help when needed.

Huonot puolet:

Some aspects of Absorb are cumbersome - for example, when creating a class, it is really easy to click on the wrong button, so you end up enrolling the entire company in the class vs. just making it available to everyone.

Learning Management System Administrator, Irlanti
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 5 001–10 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Easy to implement tool with great potential to develop further

5,0 10 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Easy to implement, easy to learn as an admin. Support Team always ready and helpful. Very customisable to cater for different audiences

Huonot puolet:

It's missing bulk actions for courses and user management that would make life easier

Professional Education Program Manager, USA
Voittoa tuottamattomien järjestöjen hallinta, 11–50 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 1 vuosi
Arvostelijan lähde

Thank you to Absorb and our CSM

5,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: Overall, it has been great working in Absorb, especially compared to my experience with other LMSs. The new releases enable us to incorporate more active learning and engagement into our courses, and our relationship with our CSM is critically helpful in building our offering of educational courses for healthcare professionals.

Hyvät puolet:

The customer support- our Client Success Manager [sensitive content hidden] is always available to help answer questions, resolve issues, and suggest things we can do with our LMS. It is a load off of my mind to know that no matter the issue, we have our CSM to help us out.

Huonot puolet:

I'd like to be able to build more custom reports myself (e.g. pulling enrollment numbers and evaluation responses for certain courses automatically) but our CSM has still helped figure out workarounds to pull the information we need.

Business Operations Manager, USA
Tiedotusvälineet, 1 001–5 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

NBCU - Technical Operations Absorb Training

4,0 10 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Helped with course creation, easy enrollment, and helped with our hands-on training teams with managers manually updating certifications.

Huonot puolet:

Not able to edit multiple courses for multiple employees. This was helpful for trainers/admins who did hands-on training for employees who were enrolled in the same courses and completed them on the same date.

OMU System Administrator, USA
Koneistus, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS Review

5,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: [sensitive content hidden] is an awesome Client success manager and has help so much. Sometimes i need to bounce ideas off of him and he is willing to listen and test them. I am happy with the support we recieved after being partnered with [sensitive content hidden].

Hyvät puolet:

Pulling reports are easy and can export them into excel or set them up for sending out on a timeline to others via email.

Huonot puolet:

Assigning sometimes is difficult when you have to choose a date and not a month and day. Doesn't allow for flexibility.

Vahvistettu arvostelija
Vahvistettu LinkedIn-käyttäjä
Julkaisutoiminta, Itsetyöllistetyt
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

Relatively nice learner experience

4,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: A relatively nice UI, hampered by implementation issues

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb LMS is a highly user-friendly learning management system that offers a wide range of customization options. The platform integrates seamlessly with other systems and tools, making it a versatile choice for organizations. Absorb LMS provides excellent customer support and training resources to ensure a smooth implementation process. The reporting and analytics features are robust, allowing for detailed tracking of learner progress and engagement. The mobile app is well-designed and provides learners with easy access to course content on-the-go. The gamification features are engaging and encourage learners to stay motivated and complete courses. The system is scalable and can accommodate the needs of both small and large organizations. The platform is constantly updated with new features and improvements based on user feedback. The pricing is reasonable and provides good value for the features offered.

Huonot puolet:

A big challenge with Absorb LMS is the initial setup process, which can be time-consuming and requires a lot of input from the organization. This can be frustrating for users who are eager to get started with the platform and may not have the resources or expertise to complete the setup process quickly. Additionally, some users have reported issues with the system crashing or freezing during use, which can be disruptive and impact productivity.

LMS Administrator, USA
Puolustusteollisuus ja avaruusala, 501–1 000 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Intuitive, Sleek, and Robust

5,0 9 kuukautta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb's suite of offerings is comprehensive and leaves you wanting for little else. If you can dream it, you can configure and tweak it to exactly your needs. The workflow is so simple and it makes every part of the system accessible to everyone.

Huonot puolet:

There are some types of selection options for user configurations that don't exist and we've had to work around to make things work.

Operations Coordinator, USA
Kirjanpito, 2–10 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

New External LMS Integration

5,0 10 kuukautta sitten

Kommentit: We were given an extremely short notice from our previous LMS that they were sunsetting. Despite the time crunch, we were able to successfully transfer over our data, build out our new LMS, and launch with little to no issue.

Hyvät puolet:

The ease of the set up, building of the platform, and the support received from our Absorb Team.

Huonot puolet:

There were a few snags in the process that pertained to our custom use of the platform. However, those issues were quickly addressed and solutions were offered by the team.

Account Manager Team Lead, USA
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 201–500 - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 1–5 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb is a game-changer!

5,0 viime vuonna

Kommentit: The onboarding experience was amazing! We felt heard, our questions answered, and we knew where to go to get help when we needed it. I love that we are not just emailing a bot. The fact that there are people responding is refreshing.

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb allows my company to track our customer learning progress to see if they are taking time outside our account manager meetings. It prevents repetitive meetings reviewing the same feature numerous times because customers need time to review topics.

Huonot puolet:

It takes time to set up, but you get out what you put into any product.

ASE, Intia
Tietotekniikka ja tietopalvelut, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: 6–12 kuukautta
Arvostelijan lähde

Absorb LMS: Great LMS

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Hyvät puolet:

The Absorb LMS is the most interactive platform for online learning. Lots of courses on the particular technologies are easily available. Offers challenging and productive Assessment and Quizzes. Content management and storage are done easily on Absorb LMS.

Huonot puolet:

There's nothing to dislike about Absorb LMS. It is efficient and widely used LMS. Customer service are highly interactive and gives resolution properly.

Sr. Director of Training, USA
Lentoyhtiöt/ilmailu, 10 000+ - työntekijät
Käytti ohjelmistoa seuraavaan tarkoitukseen: Yli 2 vuotta
Arvostelijan lähde

LMS Focused on Client Satisfaction

5,0 2 vuotta sitten

Kommentit: Absorb LMS is exactly what we needed to streamline our training deliver consistently and reliably. Learners love the ease of use and our admins love the reporting. Absorb also offers content integrations which we are utilizing to deliver leadership training.

Hyvät puolet:

Absorb has such a wonderful client portal to submit feedback. There's an ability to submit feature requests and have other clients talk through the pros/cons and use cases for those items. I've had calls with Absorb developers based on the feedback that I had submitted and those features then went forward into the production environment. It is awesome to see how involved Absorb is in the client community.

Huonot puolet:

There are not many features that are problematic. I wish there was a more seamless way to allow a learner to take one course in place of another. If a learner submitted a third party certificate for a course that is equivalent to an in-house course, the admin needs to manually award completion for the in-house course. It isn't exactly clean and can lead to some confusion when auditing learner completions to understand which version was completed vs credited.